The Parallel Society Guidebook


New Member
Hello everyone, I just found and joined this forum and I'm glad it exists. I've take a short look around so far but wanted to hop in and start contributing value immediately.

With the way things are going people are really going to need to start developing new habits and skills with alternative infrastructure into a whole new society if they want to make it through this. Pretty sure we all know that this is going to go all the way to the point of you not being able to have a bank account or property if you don't comply, assuming you haven't been dragged off to a camp first and killed.

So, here's some recommendations for people on how to bypass that.


Discord is not a secure platform, surely everyone here is aware of that. Which is why I'd recommend people start using a program called Tox:

It is a completely peer to peer, decentralized and end to end encrypted protocol which runs entirely on your device and uses a Distributed Hash Table for routing traffic and thus requires no servers which can be hacked or taken down. It can also be run over Tor to further secure you by hiding your own IP address from those you are peering with. I would highly recommend switching to this as your daily driver just to get into the habit of it. Maybe have one main profile and several dummy profiles which you share on public networks like this forum and reserve the real profile for those you have vetted.

Here's my ID to get you started: 7AC7D243ABBF67BA951752DBC9E2E42BD06DD5967126B321B19DC523595E97227169DB0E59DD

I'll try to check that daily.


We all know that you won't be able to access the internet without a vaxx pass or some other form of government license in the future, probably the near future, which doesn't even get into the likely cyber false flag that's coming which could take down the internet as we know it and maybe even power grids to be used as a justification for such measures. If you don't know what I'm talking about go look into exercises like Cyber Polygon and the excellent work done by those like James Corbett of the CorbettReport on this, for example:

In any case that means we need our own alternative infrastructure to retain network access of some form. Thus, Mesh Networking. Running off of little more than a Raspberry Pi with perhaps some extra modules such as LoRa (Long Range Radio), there's a few networking protocols I'd highly recommend you set up


One of the older protocols and home of the Hyperboria network


Can subnet to CJDNS and also auto balances and maps the network toplologuy t make things run more efficiently, has more active development than CJDNS last I checked.


Can use multiple connection methods, Wired, WiFi, Bluetooth, LoRa, etc

Set them up, find people in your area to mesh with, and start building a network in your community.


We all know that eventually things will get so bad that you can't have a bank account if you don't comply, let alone how your banking activity could lead to the Maple Stazi kicking don your door. In order for us to truly win, we need to create a parallel society where we can meet our needs peacefully outside their crumbling system. Not to mention that their whole plan depends on their being no alternatives for people. No other way to get medical care, no other way to get food, no other way to live at all outside the mainstream system. There's multiple things required to get a new internal economy set up and one of those things are currencies.

Certainly there's many different ones out there, some physical like silver and gold or local alterantive scrip. and those that are digital like crypto. There's no be all end all and no reason to try pushing one or one type over all teh others, this is an also/and thing not either/or. But for this post I'm going to focus specifically on privacy cryptocurrencies so here's a few that I know of and am trying to use myself:




Piratechain boasts that it is the most private cryptocurrency, and private transactions are necessary in todays world. I fully confess that I am not a crypto expert however so I cannot talk about any nuances between these. However if you are thinking you're just going to invest in crypto as use it as if its value is denoted in fiat money, I would argue you're doing it wrong. Fiat will at some point likely be worthless and replaced by Central Bank Digital Currencies such as that which the bank of Canada is currently developing. It's our job to provide an alternative to that system.

But money in any form is merely a way of measuring value, that value comes from helping people solve the problems they have, People pay for two types of things. getting rid of problems they have and don't want, or getting results they want and don't have. There is no job security in the mainstream world and we all must become entrepreneurs in one form or another to survive. But, if you have never done that before, the prospect can be quite frightening.

Luckily Richard Grove of the Tragedy and Hope and Grand Theft World podcasts recognised this need back in 2019 and launched a course called "Autonomy" to help freedom minded people solve that very problem as well as create a network and think tank of such like minded people. It is a course I'd highly recommend. You can find information on it at


As important as securing your own economics is, it is not something one does by themselves. Little is, in fact, which highlights the critical need for local real life flesh and blood communities. But how many of us have ever had to form a real, functioning mutual aid community before, let alone a full societal replacement? Probably not many. However Stephen Verstappen does have such experience, and with the help of the folks at Autonomy he's put together a course called "The Complete Guide to Forming Communities":

Yes those two courses are things you'd have to pay for, but do you have another, better plan already in place to deal with all this? If not, maybe you should check them out and see if they're right for you. Besides, how much longer do you think you'll be allowed to use Canadian dollars anyways?

I hope this post was helpful and I hope people take action and don't just sit around on this. The way I see it, the future belongs to those who show up for it,. So show up or be shoved off.
Upvote 41
Well written. As far as crypto goes there’s three that are being pushed hard in relation to the ISO 20022 initiative, might interest you. Personally, physical, tangible assets are best in my opinion.
Community and cohesion within that community is absolutely the most important. It is also the most needed step for people to take that most people fail to do. And convincing people of this necessity, even people who have been in cohesive units and workplaces, is for most an exercise in frustration!

In any scenario you are 100% better off within a cohesive entity than not. The economics and comms could be bottlecaps and smoke signals or gold/crypto and encrypted networks ... It all boils down to building that cohesive unit.

Ill look into TOX and the rest. Good info
Thank you very much and you hit the nail on the head. Building intentional communities is the most important thing and that's what I want to get started here. All of us have a common cause to one degree or another, We all also have valuable skills, knowledge and experience. But all of us are also scattered. I want to get the ball rolling on helping people build these skills, habits, and knowledge bases and branch all this out to every part of the country and beyond so that people can not only network with people locally, but also coordinate with others across the country to get things done.

It won't be perfect, certainly not in the beginning, but that's irrelevant, what matters is putting one foot in front of the other with useful action towards a goal.

We are completely able to win this and then some, but that's going to take work, real work, not just memes and screenshots and sharing videos or going to rallies or voting or any of that. Real, on the ground, actual work to get ourselves physically self sufficient and not reliant on their systems. Providing that viable alternative to those who feel lost and hopeless and that their only choice is to comply because they lack the community, the skillsets, the knowledge base and the resources so that they join us too until the old system simply crumbles away because there's not enough people living in it to keep it going.
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Mesh Networks are huge. Husband and I are already creating our own. We decided that we are going to get a whole bunch of raspberry pi's and send them to our friends/family as "gifts". The caviate is that we have full remote access.

We've already got 3 accessible networks and hope to have 4 or 5 more out there by the spring time.

Unfortunately for me, I am not the one who is techy enough to do it and have to fully rely on husband to get it done. He's on it, but has less sense of urgency than I do.

We are also going to set up a drive with a downloaded Wikipedia and other like information sites as well as tools to be able compile and code.

Edit: suggestions on what info sites or tools to have saved would be welcome.
The Wayback Machine needs to be backed up asap, as they've already been forced to start going through their archives and deleting things for "hate speech" and the like. that resource is incredibly critical as it has been a very important tool of showing the trail of lies especially in terms of deleted official documents and changes in definition and tracking that to a timeline.

A protocol I highly recommend looking into is IPFS (Inter-Planetary File System) as it is trying to set itself up to be a full internet protocol replacement for http/https. You can even host static websites on it, and people are working on ways of hosting dynamic ones, such as a forum like this, with some success. Check it out here:

A whole bunch of useful IPFS things can be found at Awesome IPFS: ipns://

There's even a search engine for IPFS now too, to make things a little simpler:

And all your favourite alt media peeps have been busy getting their content backed up on it: ipns://k2k4r8n098cwalcc7rdntd19nsjyzh6rku1hvgsmkjzvnw582mncc4b4/IPFS_WebsitesDirectory.html

Two raspberry pi projects I'd recommend looking into as part of this are,

Pirate Box:

The latest update for this included some beta meshnetwork stuff, basically just packaging Yggdrasil and Reticulum with it if I remember correctly:

Start9's Embassy:

This thing is designed for self hosting and includes a bunch of Free and Open Source programs worth hosting yourself like BitWarden and the like. And its build on top of the Raspberry Pi 4, so its another way to get some Pi's.

And speaking of self hosting, there's a whole plethora of self hostable, decentralized social media replacements known as the Fediverse which can be found here:

And to help keep everyone organized, especially if you're trying to run a business but don't want to rely on Google, Calendly, Zoom and the like, there's NextCloud:

But one last thing I should mention that isn't tech stuff but is super, duper important would be the OpenSourceEcology project, designing open source industrial tools like lathes and backhoes and all that that you can build yourself:

I could go on and on about all the useful stuff out there. But I should probably stop for now.
To clarify what I'm looking for in terms of tools or information sites. I mean things that will help rebuild using old tech (aka forgotten knowledge that people have access to still). Or things that will help a person survive.

I mention wikipedia because of its flora and fauna archives. Less for the archiveness of archiving. If that makes sense.

We have to pick and choose to what "bring" because space I limited and its more to regain abilites that would be hard to regain if knowledge is lost or access to knowledge was lost.
Welcome and thank you for the detailed posts.

With the way things are going people are really going to need to start developing new habits and skills with alternative infrastructure into a whole new society if they want to make it through this.
Agreed, we need to use more privacy focused and decentralized tools.

Haven't used TOX before, but it looks promising. Other IM tools that we discussed earlier were XMPP and Session.

Thanks for the links. I've been meaning to look at mesh networks some more.

I think a good mix of hard assets, gold/silver, cash, and crypto is best. I am surprised you didn't mention Monero. It's the top privacy coin in terms of daily transactions, merchant acceptance, and dev commits. I don't think many Darknet Markets accept PirateChain. Here's a link comparing the main privacy coins.
we need to create a parallel society where we can meet our needs peacefully outside their crumbling system

Other privacy/security tools for those interested:
-TOR - Network
-I2P - Network
-Whonix - OS
-Tails - OS
-Qubes - OS
-VeraCrypt - Disk encryption

I think ease of use is one of the major roadblocks for mass adoption. Most people are used to things just wurking with absolute minimal setup. Like Amazon's "one click to buy" button. Also people don't seem to care about privacy and security until it's too late.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to transitioning into this parallel society with all of you.
Thank you for your suggestions, all of us contributing together and building things like this is how we're going to get this done. I didn't pitch XMPP or Session as those still rely on some sort of server which means it requires more trust or otherwise has a central place you can attack. TOX is entirely peer to peer and uses a Distributed Hash Table, which makes it much, much harder to take down. That being said it doesn't mean that those things are bad or should never be used, I was just going for maximum security. Likewise I didn't pitch Monero because even according to the Monero team (last I heard), PirateChain's privacy is better. Current popularity doesn't matter as much as actual function to me.
Fair points. I will definitely check out TOX some more.

Yeah PirateChain's (Zcash's) implementation of zk-SNARKs is better for privacy than Monero's ring signatures. That said, the IRS still has an unclaimed bounty on Monero and it is still the main coin used in DNMs, so I think it is plenty private. I do think that popularity, usability, and acceptance do matter when talking about how useful a currency is though. If no one is accepting your currency, then what is it good for?

spez: I'll add that I hope PirateChain and other privacy cryptocurrencies do succeed and gain popularity. I don't think there should be a "one and only" privacy coin.
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Thank you so much to everyone's who's been contributing to this thread and its information pool. I hope its been useful to you guys so far. I wish I had more time to devote to things like this but I am doing a lot of my own IRL work which obviously takes precedence over forums. Definitely hit me up on Tox, my ID is in the original post, and form your own groups too. If you have an activist or protest movement in your area, chances are they've got a telegram group or something and you should totally check that out and maybe pitch them something like Tox or even their own private XMPP server, whatever works for them that's better than Telegram, which is a lot. Telegram is known to be a pretty comprimised platform but I'm going to suck it up, give them my phone number or whatever other bullshit they want, and get into my local group's chats to network and pitch more self hosted and secure things. Besides, I'd rather surround myself with doers, not talkers and complainers.

All of us have skills that others don't and through working together we can do anything. I want there to be at least one fully self sufficient community in every single city and town in this country by September 1st 2022. Complete with power, medical care, security, mail service between and within communities, and even some entertainment and creature comforts. That's a lofty goal, but its more than possible with enough people working together towards it. And even if we don't hit that goal, by setting our sights way out there and trying we're going to get a lot further than we would've othewise. To modify what I said in my first post,

The future belongs to those who build it, show up or shove off.
Another community that everyone might find something of use on: