Shitpost Red Light Green Light - BC Edition


Well-Known Member
I haven't checked out Squid Games, but I'm honestly very hesitant too. I think I read somewhere on a news feed on my phone that Squid Game was "unapologetic about it's unflinching critique of capitalism" or some blah blah blah, so now I'm afraid it's just more propaganda.

Has anyone here seen it? Am I right?


Based Member
Any leftist reviews that put it down indicates it's worth a couple of episodes. Critical Drinker loved it.


From de river to de sea, Irish whisky will be free
I haven't seen it, but I did watch the last "Hunger Games" movies (in which an evil dictatorship is overthrown) for some cathartic relief not too long ago, so my quota of violent cinematic retribution is all used up for the time being. I've been watching French and Italian movies from around 1960 lately, they seem oddly fascinating -- a lost world of elegance and romantic confusion