Corruption Biden PARDONS all the criminals at the last minute before leaving office


FREEDOM IS A CHOICE, choose wisely.
Biden signed last minute pardons for the following criminals:

His entire family and extended family.

The Covid Perpetrators:
Anthony Fauci

The Afghan pullout fuckups:
General Mark Milley

The entire Jan. 6 Committee

I'd doubt any of this would hold up in court. Considering it's public knowledge that Joe Biden is severely mentally diminished.




Biden has set the presidential record for most individual pardons and commutations issued; he announced on Friday he would commuting the sentences of almost 2,500 people convicted of nonviolent drug offenses. He previously announced he was commuting the sentences of 37 of the 40 people on federal death row.

Why not pardon the entire Democrat Party?

Hell... Why not pardon the ENTIRE COUNTRY?

All in... Pardon the ENTIRE WORLD.

What a Joke. A President on his last day in office, issues pardons to his entire criminal family and all of the criminal perpetrators that committed TREASON during his 4 year term.
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