Dank Meme Everytime someone on FreeCanada mentions: the PPC, Rebel News, Max Bernier, Sloan, any conservative politician or “Jeremy”:


Never comply with insanity
Legalize Freedom
Every big city has their violent Bikelock methhead Communits. Every one. Toronto probably more. The strange aspect here is that Js4k has a better regard for them than any of the freedom rally goers, he was embeded with communists and he never smears their leadership.
He lied about the Israeli flag in Polievre video. Be careful what you believe from him.
He is a complete asshole to anyone with mix raced kids. Is triggered by an Israeli symbol. And has been on this site for 3 days straight suppressing any support for PPC party and smearing every single PPC candidate and anti lockdown activist.


Hard No.
Alberta Freedom Fighter
Maybe him maybe not him doesn't really matter. The problem is he doesn't really respond to any questions or carry on a discussion. He seems to just really stick to talking points and hammer on them without really listening to the other side.

He may have already had a few bikelocks to the head as you put it, he is just downright confrontational, constantly on the attack. But whatever not breaking any real rules or anything so he can have at it.

But if you are replying to him I wouldn't expect a good faith discussion. Fair warning.
The problem with RAGE.... is that the world we are in, is completely fuxked..... So it's hard to articulate what is actually going on because of all the bs...
But he put in time getting fired at(AND DIE IF YOU GET HIT) by the bs country that leaves them to rot..... so now he has to try and get in touch with those of us that have been told to shut up and sit down.....