Ham Sub-forum

We need a Ham sub-forum where can can post and collect on all things Ham.

I am of the opinion that Ham is now our Harvo.....funny how they both start with the letter H.

Of course, someone much more creative than I will have to come up with a catchy name!!!



Hard No.
Alberta Freedom Fighter
I mean I love a good Ham meme as much as the next guy - but I'm hoping we can put that shit behind us and not drag any old drama here. Post away but I don't think we need a place to specifically shit on him. You can make a thread in general if you want though!
I mean I love a good Ham meme as much as the next guy - but I'm hoping we can put that shit behind us and not drag any old drama here. Post away but I don't think we need a place to specifically shit on him. You can make a thread in general if you want though!
At the same time, having a sandwiches forum topic will keep it isolated. And easily removed when we're all board of it.

It would also be a good idea to have an actual record of why we are all abandoning ship, ya know?
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