Discussion Advice for self defense


Based Member
Projectile, blade or blunt weapon? Hand to hand, close range, long range? One to buy or to make? Any regards to legalities? You know self defense is more or less illegal here eh?
Defense from assault at home, urban or rural? Or for out and about, traveling the country or walking streets in sketchy neighborhoods?

There are many choices with many benefits and or downfalls, all depends on your situational needs.
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Critter in my basement
Colourblind Unfriendly
While I should invest in exercise equipment and start working out, I would rather get something where that will not be necessary.

I intend to protect myself in the event of an unexpected argument or a riot, though civil war prepping is also an interest.


Well-Known Member
some of my accounts are in bad neighbourhoods. Thats why i bought a pack of heavy steel carribeaners from Princess auto. I have that attached to a 4 inch "whip" of sorts and then my keys on the bottom. I'll walk holding my keys in my fist while the whip and carribeaner hang below. I havent had to use it yet but im sure one good whack across the face will make any assailant flee.


Well-Known Member
Go get your PAL ASAP - 12 gauge for bedroom, 22 for wife, 9mm carbine for truck, firearm legal defense insurance for peace of mind.

That's the bare minimum and you'll likely end up with a large collection if you catch the bug. I've never felt safer