Announcement Reverting FCW Mostly Back To Pre-EMA Days

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9
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For FCW community announcements

Deleted member 9

As most of you are aware, we made some changes to the forum a few weeks back.

The biggest being requiring login to view our threads.

We believe the risk to the community & forum has declined enough, for long enough, to reverse that change.

We will be keeping a half-measure in place for now, with login being required to view Archived threads.

That will cover ~90-95% of threads.

Those are not the most recent ones though (i.e., the threads in General), which is what most people probably spend most of their time viewing on FCW.

For the previous threads on this topic, see here:
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How do the Archives work anyway?

Do threads fall out of General if they haven't had a new comment in a defined period?

Can General only hold so many threads, then some fall off to Archives?

Do Archived threads become locked at some point? I notice people have necroed a few of them recently when they show up on the Front Page.
It's an automated system.

After three days of no comments in General, they are moved over to Archives.

If I notice an old thread in Archives has new comments, then I usually manually move it back into General, for more visibility.
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My pleasure.

We made that change a few months back, for sake of the 'popular' thread sorting feature.

Before, when everything was in General, pressing popular would show the threads with the most upvotes, from all time.

Now, it just shows the threads from the past week or so.
I always sort by new posts. If something is archived but has a new comment I still seem to see it. If you don't move them do they still show up by clicking on new posts? I only have a new option, even the lightning bolt says new not popular although the url looks different depending on which new post option I choose.
Yeah, new comments in Archives would probably show up in the 'new posts' tab.
We could change that.

The 'new posts' and 'newest [threads]' differ.

'Newest [threads]' will show the newest threads in whichever sub-forum you happen to be viewing ta the time.

'New posts' will show all new posts on the forum (regardless of which sub-forum you are currently viewing from), unless, we exclude certain sub-forums manually.
Many thanks for the info. Came back to say I do see the popular filter afterall. I just have not clicked on the General link in a long while. Thanks again.