Commies Everywhere World War MEME


“Andrew Pretty, who sits on Dildo’s community committee...”. This is a meme in itself! Andrew PRETTY! Sounds like caveman language. And-rew. Pretty! Dild-o. Yuk-raine.

"In a video on YouTube, Scott Adams, who is white, said black Americans were part of a "hate group" and that white people should "get the hell away" from them."

The media narrative is that this guy is an unacceptable racist and should be canceled and punished, and you are latching onto that narrative like a chicken choking down its mother's vomit. Instead the guy is trying to assert his freedom of speech, and more importantly is not being a racist, but rather pointing out that the racism and prejudice is directed toward Caucasian people (of whom I am). Caucasians have every right to live and go places safely, but can't be around certain groups now who are a potential danger to them because of all of the hate-stoking fuckers running this country and media who keep calling us racist simply because of our DNA and appearance; they now have successfully directed unmerited hatred toward us as a result of their identity politics campaigns, of which this "cancelling" of the cartoonist is just further part of.

I get that Scott Adams did the asshole flip-flop move that we are used to seeing from politicians, but that is largely tangential to the main issue in this specific instance because this has nothing to do with vaccines.

So with all that in mind, to write "fuck niggers" on his comic is despicable and whoever did is either a total idiot or is a MSM woke narrative simp.
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