Members awarded with this badge

  1. JordanPEDErson

    Banned 5 times during MemeFleet.
  2. JuliusSqueezer

    Ham is a cuck.
  3. Reeenorseman

    Wounded in action, brought back across the lines only to charge right back in, memes in hand.
  4. Shit_Sandwhich77

    OG ban for an OG person.
  5. ayn_rands_ghost

  6. Gunner667

    Ham is a huge cuck.

    A fallen hero, one of the OG's.
  8. HuntStevenson

    Ham-ban medal.
  9. bobthefighter

    Ham Ban Medal.
  10. Rusty Canuckleford

  11. bighotbaconizer

    Fell with his comrades, in the thick of it.
  12. TexasNorth

  13. Trudeaus coke dealer

    Ham ban medal.
  14. braindeadbiden

    Banned in the line of duty.
  15. Home_

    One of the last men standing. o7
  16. Nathrandir

    Ham ban medal.
  17. Ev0lut

    Ham ban medal.
  18. themustardtiger

    Nice Work!
  19. jason73

    Ham ban medal.
  20. Chobes

    Caught the tail end of a Ham Hammer