emergency lighting and heat.


Safe Space Counsellor
was looking up wtf to do with some veg oil i have that is almost at that point of being too old to eat...i bought it back in early 2020 and didnt go through it as quickly as i thought i might.

anyway. how to make a vegetable oil lamp.

and came across this crisco can candle/heater. looks interesting.

which reminded me of the coffee can heater that my gma used to keep in her car in the winter back in the day. not sure if she used rubbing alcohol or not, since she used to like to tell me shit like this when i was a much younger asshole who knew everything and only half listened. sigh.
Upvote 15
Good info. We recently got a Mr Buddy heater, rated safe for indoors. Will be canning lard again this coming week, good for cooking and candles. My Gma's were true pioneers, wish I had listened better, too.
the second last time i went up to see her before she died, we were making dinner and she told me to make some biscuits to go with...i asked her what her recipe was and she looked at me like i was retarded. you know. because i didnt have a biscuit recipe memorized. mind, she would prob look at me the same way if i had asked her how to pluck a chicken, even though i never plucked one before..good times.

and that reminds me of the buddy burners we made with the girl guides: take a tuna can, filled it with coiled cardboard, add a wick and pour some wax over it. bam. now you have a cheap assed candle that you can cook a grilled cheese over. or at least make a little heat.
not really "emergency" heat, but i'm too lazy to make a new thread, so this can go here:

stealth/dakota fire pit. need to try this out at some point, because who doesnt love to burn shit?
Those are neat ideas but where do you get the fuel for them after the furniture is burned and sound of chainsaw attracts unvanted attention?
I have a bush buddy, burns sticks the size of your pinky finger.
Boils water as fast as gas stoves.
Made in B.C. (not sure anymore?)
It is tiny and make me coffee many times during power outages.
Cooked many meals outdoors on hiking trips.

You might also look into rocked mass heaters. They can and have been installed into city house basements successfully.
was looking up wtf to do with some veg oil i have that is almost at that point of being too old to eat...i bought it back in early 2020 and didnt go through it as quickly as i thought i might.

anyway. how to make a vegetable oil lamp.

and came across this crisco can candle/heater. looks interesting.

which reminded me of the coffee can heater that my gma used to keep in her car in the winter back in the day. not sure if she used rubbing alcohol or not, since she used to like to tell me shit like this when i was a much younger asshole who knew everything and only half listened. sigh.
saymynameSolid info