Cards Against Humanity Round 2! - Wed Dec 8, 6:30 PM PST / 9:30 PM ET


Hey fellow FCW folk!

We really enjoyed the Cards Against Humanity Online gaming day we had a while back (Thanks @KindaScaredinBC and @Rusty Canuckleford :) ). So, we (that's KindaScaredinBC and I) are planning a round 2 and would love to have some frens (The game allows for 10 participants max, and 10 spectators) join us!

It'll be held this coming Wednesday, December 8th and 6:30 PM PST (9:30 PM ET).

We also plan to use the CaH online's discord voice chat to communicate / shoot the shit (OR, we can use our FCW discord chat as well. But people who're not on it beware - you'll need to join in advance so you get vetted)

Link to the game

Game details and password will be given the day of.
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