Attestation -- calling their bluff?


Safe Space Counsellor
this is a game i flat out refuse to play. i've already told my boss i dont talk to anyone but my doctor about my health status. i dont gaf what other people do, its just not my concern, but if it were me in your shoes, i would not attest to shit. i'm not helping them do their homework.

call their bluff. its the hill to die on.
Upvote 17
Speak to an employment lawyer who really understands the law. Don't look for solid answers on a message board.
If posties are union, then only the union can represent them in employment matters. What does the union say?

Also, if you think you have no chance, start seeing a counselor for stress and anxiety. Use the company/union resources. They most likely will put you on paid stress leave. This buys you time to make a decision without stressing over your food and mortgage.
I wouldn’t falsely attest to being vaxed. Look into the penalty for falsely attesting and the communism fine won‘t be worth the 2 or 3 extra paychecks youll get for lying. HR will ask you for proof.
Its not worth it man.
Walk out walking tall with your head high and own your stand against tyranny. Or play the system and claim LTD.

talk to @X-Nemesis, he’s a solid patriot, DM him for his personal take.

Also I’m buddies with a CAF bosnian vet, he has PTSD tho from the SwissAir crash recovery mission, where he was deployed to fish body parts of kids and women out of the freezing Atlantic. He saw gnarly shit both in Bosnia and SwissAir, patriots like you don’t get the recognition you deserve. I wish you all the best, and I encourage you to game the corrupt system, nothing wrong in claiming PTSD and getting an LTD pay out. It’s the least this country can give back to you
Hey ChuckuFarlie, I'm also a Postie, we've got a signal group going to talk amonst ourselves and work out some kind of plan, it would be great to connect with other posties across the Country but not sure how to do that. We're guessing that there is a much larger group of us, vaxxed unvaxxed, doesn't matter, who are equally pissed off about this Mandate bullshit, Vax coercion being pushed by our Corp and Mini Turdeau.

We know it's illegal for them to ask us to divulge any medical info and yet by the process of elimination, when they see who goes on LWOP, they will know your medical info and that's still illegal from my perspective. We're thinking there's about 100 of us in Kit/Cam/Wat area, who knows about Guelph, so I'm thinking our numbers are much stronger than we know.

We'll be attending a Union Zoom to ask some very tough questions on Sat to our Pres and call these guys out for being completely useless in their support of ALL UNION MEMBERS. Not just the ones that are ideologically aligned with the Communist Manifesto.

I personally am part of the Galatti lawsuit because I'm not gonna test or do any shit that gives validation to this entire fucking scam and process of lies and bullshit. Fuck them and fuck their LWOP. But I encourage those that cannot make that decision to do WHATEVER you have to do for your mental health and especially for your family. Their health and wellbeing is paramount, and like my brother has told me a few times, even with the Jab and it's unknown long term effects, we are so completely not giving our immune system the props it deserves as it has millions of years of history for taking on adverse shit coming into the body and needing to deal with it.

And from what I know now, testing is only an option in that it gets you to taking the jab to keep your job. Canada Post originally was ok with Testing and then 4 days later says NOPE, you're all SOL. Here's a good video that someone on the signal group just posted. And if you're interested in joining and helping to network us dirty slaves, you're most welcome.
