I am quite sick


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. Let me preface this by saying that I have been a patriot for a very long time. I was on TD since 2015 and I would skim through meta once in a while. To be honest I found it quite boring in comparison with the lower activity, and Canada wasn't something I was focussing on even though this is where I'm from and where I live. Kind of odd I know.

I work in customer service and meet many different people every day. The fact of the matter is that I have recently become quite sick starting with a sore throat on Wednesday and escalating to some severe coughing today. My work has mandated that I take a bi-weekly home rapid test and I have done so every day I have felt ill and there have been no positive results. However I'm not sure

My roommate is in the extremely high-risk category from anything including covid because of their chronic lung conditions. Naturally I have been avoiding them in the house as much as possible

I am in my mid-20s and weigh approximately 400 pounds and I am about six foot three. I gained more than a hundred pounds during the covid-19 lockdowns because my eating got really lazy and I just ordered out all the time

I have some Ivermectin horsepaste coming and it should be here by Monday. What I want to know is if anyone here has actually taken any and what kind of dosing there is. I have seen so many different threads and opinions on the matter here and on td.

If you are experienced with this please give me some insight. On the side I am taking 4000 mg of vitamin D a day, the other recommended minerals I cannot yet get my hands on. but I do take a daily multi-vitamin, probiotic, prescription medication, and calcium supplements. Any help is greatly appreciated
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There's different dosing depending on whether you have been infected or taking it just for prevention:

For Prevention: The Ivermectin horse paste you've bought is probably a plastic "syringe" if you've bought it from Canada it will likely be calibrated with "notches" in kgs - (in 25 kg clicks). So for you set it to 175 or 200kgs (full amount of tube is typically 600/625 kg) and inject it into some water, stir up and down it. Prevention is one dose, every 3 days.

For Treatment if infected: If you think you've got it/ test positive - you use a higher dosage (early treatment protocol on the above link) - its 2-3 times the prevention dosage. So for you 2-3 times the above prevention amount - one dose daily for 5 days.

You have to take an insane amount like 6 full tubes in one go to hurt yourself, msm were printing rubbish about people overdosing.
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Has anyone done the math and converted the IVM concentration in the syringes to the pills to make sure they equal out so that 0.5 mg = x amount of syringe?
Yes, the information you need is how much mg of Ivermectin is in the tube, what the net weight of the tube is and what the total volume of the paste is (by the syringe maximum measurement)
I’m only saying this because it is important:
Obesity is a major comorbidity for Covid hospitalization and death.
After you’ve beaten this, I hope you can take better care of your health.

Some things that can help:
Vitamin D
Vitamin C
(And maybe others that don’t come to mind…)

Get well soon :)

Edit: make sure that none of these medications or supplements will interfere with your prescription
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So I just looked into
Doxycycline and
Azithromycin. They're both prescription antibiotics. 0% chance I can get these prescribed.

I had it out with my doctor in a very respectful way during a recent visit before I got sick. He was trying very hard to convince me to get vaccinated to which I explained my scientifically valid hesitancy (which isnt necessary. If someone doesnt want it for any reason, DONT TRY FORCING THEM!):

- none of the available vaccines are traditional vaccines and instead use a new mRNA technology "approved" for the first time in DECEMBER 2020 (not even a year old)

- traditional vaccines undergo extreme testing and control studies of a period usually longer than half a decade, not 6 months

- there is no long term data on the vaccines efficacy nor safety and many short term data and circumstantial evidence points to it being unacceptably risky with a variety of possible negative outcomes and not very effective (break through cases, hospitalizations, deaths)

- science demands objectivity and constant retesting. There is no such thing as settled science. Nothing is off limits to new information or reconsiderations. Treating it otherwise suggests a flawed scientific approach that in these conditions spells DANGEROUSLY UNPROVEN on the metaphorical wall in big bold red letters

- the cultish and emotional response of the scientific community without any observable objectivity strongly suggests coercion and unscientifc methods - not something a rational person would trust their life to

- the college of physiciians of ontario, and indeed all regulatory medical bodies in this hemisphere and beyond, have systematically threatened doctors' license to practice if they dare deviate an inch from approved narratives, observstions and procedures. This completely removes medical discretion (every medical case is different) and forces an outcome based on politics, not science. Physicians are therefore ivalidated to the point theyre almost useless to visit. My doctor suggested I write the college about my perceived concerns regarding their practices to which I laughed and said what will that do? Silence

There were other arguments I made and I could tell he was taken aback by my smooth rebuttals and valid points that I could see hit him in his core. I finished off saying that by the time this is all over, there will be a lot of regret over what so called medical professionals did and didnt do. I seen him break inside for a quick second in quiet resignation that he knows what he and his cohorts are doing is WRONG.

During the whole exchange he was blinking like 3 times a second. Ive never seen him do that before. Like someone being held hostage or a nervous tick. All he kept saying was "3 billion doses" and I would come back with "not even one year has passed"
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Quercetin and zinc supplements
Eat vector cereal in the morning
Good Cereal is like a multivitamin in the morning
For God sake replace lunch with a green smoothie, spinach, kale, all bran buds, fruit and yogurt. You'll be starving at first but you'll get used to only eating one big meal a day. IMO if you're a city guy sitting on your ass all day you don't need to eat like a farmer.

Drink lots of water.

I lost 25 pounds doing this I'm 6 ft 180 pounds now.
Ill try to get my hands on the quercetin and zinc as well as vitamin c. Im wondering if theres anything else absolutely critical i may be missing.

Azithromycin. Ill look into that.
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@ppctrooper i carry a 40 oz water bottle and have always drank tons of water at home. The water bottle is newish and i hope it helps. The medication I'm focusing on right now is it in case I continue to decline in the sickness. I have taken a multivitamin for more than a year now. Thanks
Hey man I was 320 pounds like 8 years ago and now I'm probably down to around 220.

I'm not suggesting you do this but it worked for me. I would eat a small bowl of cereal in the morning, go to work. Eat some type of fruit at lunch - banana, orange, apple, whatever - then for supper I would eat literally whatever the fuck I wanted in as large of a portion as I wanted.

For the first two weeks you will be STARVING by the time supper come around, but trust me you get used to it and it goes away. I still only do the 1 large meal a day thing.
Hey everyone. Let me preface this by saying that I have been a patriot for a very long time. I was on TD since 2015 and I would skim through meta once in a while. To be honest I found it quite boring in comparison with the lower activity, and Canada wasn't something I was focussing on even though this is where I'm from and where I live. Kind of odd I know.

I work in customer service and meet many different people every day. The fact of the matter is that I have recently become quite sick starting with a sore throat on Wednesday and escalating to some severe coughing today. My work has mandated that I take a bi-weekly home rapid test and I have done so every day I have felt ill and there have been no positive results. However I'm not sure

My roommate is in the extremely high-risk category from anything including covid because of their chronic lung conditions. Naturally I have been avoiding them in the house as much as possible

I am in my mid-20s and weigh approximately 400 pounds and I am about six foot three. I gained more than a hundred pounds during the covid-19 lockdowns because my eating got really lazy and I just ordered out all the time

I have some Ivermectin horsepaste coming and it should be here by Monday. What I want to know is if anyone here has actually taken any and what kind of dosing there is. I have seen so many different threads and opinions on the matter here and on td.

If you are experienced with this please give me some insight. On the side I am taking 4000 mg of vitamin D a day, the other recommended minerals I cannot yet get my hands on. but I do take a daily multi-vitamin, probiotic, prescription medication, and calcium supplements. Any help is greatly appreciated
I am only going to mention your weight, you need to lose weight. One of the most affected in the COVID category is obese people, you need to lose weight. In the last year I have lost 50lb from 310 down to 260 and I have been floating there for a bit now. Just cut back on eating food, JUNK food especially and start drinking water, lots of it and most of all, get yourself some dumbbells, 25-30lbs and start lifting them. You wont see much happen right away but you will start to see your weight drop off.

One of the biggest reasons for hunger is your body is not getting proper nutrition or you eat out of boredom and you eat to much at every meal, so one thing that will work best is if you start taking vitamins to make sure your body is getting what it needs.

I take a bunch of different vitamins, a liquid vitamin that has vit A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D3 & E. I also take D3 drops and Zinc daily and I have never felt better and I find myself eating much less.
How you feeling brother?
I'm feeling better and I never had to take the ivermectin. I'm happy to have some tubes of it around now. I already had a multivitamin and vitamin d regimen that I just made more robust while I was feeling sick. I also consumed 1 glass of OJ a day for a very long time as well as at apples, so I got additional vitamin C for that. To be sure, I bought some zinc and vitamin C for the future. I'm also looking into the antioxidants for future health in general to take forever (I've got NAC and quercetin on the way).

There was no confirmation of what I was / am sick with.
Elderberry is high in very powerful antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins that help with high blood pressure and blood glucose. I would also look for wild blueberries or blackberries and eat some every day, also purple carrot and purple cabbage. I know people talk about green smoothies but for people with health problems I would go to all purple fruits + bananas, or juice some purple carrots.

If you need something for a cough, try something like this: https://shop.avogel.ca/products/a-vogel-santasapina-soothing-cough-syrup

Also steam some salt water and breath it. Your lungs need salt to heal.

Kelp supplements, as pure as possible, may also be of benefit, kelp is high in lots of minerals.

I know lots of people have mentioned diet. It's not easy to switch from processed foods to making everything yourself but I strongly recommend it as well. Eggs and low-sugar fruit and cottage cheese for breakfast is a much better breakfast than cereal/toast. Technically cottage cheese is processed food too just read the labels and pick the one with the least ingredients. And with eggs you don't need the omega 3 ones, they just taste gross.

The trick with dieting is to have healthy alternatives available that you do like, and never buy processed foods: make everything yourself. Yes some people go keto. I don't agree with keto but I do like the paleo diet ideas. I would modify it to stick to eating foods as close as possible as people would have eaten 200-300 years ago. Ie unprocessed, no preservatives/additives, grass-fed meat, and home made.

Lastly, if you use fragranced soaps, shampoos, deodorant, or laundry products, switch to unfragranced. They are doing nothing good for you, and are actually damaging your hormonal system and causing more work for your detox system.
400 lbs? I eat to live, you live to eat.
Stop being a corpulent mess, especially at your age. Jesus Christ…
Hey everyone. Let me preface this by saying that I have been a patriot for a very long time. I was on TD since 2015 and I would skim through meta once in a while. To be honest I found it quite boring in comparison with the lower activity, and Canada wasn't something I was focussing on even though this is where I'm from and where I live. Kind of odd I know.

I work in customer service and meet many different people every day. The fact of the matter is that I have recently become quite sick starting with a sore throat on Wednesday and escalating to some severe coughing today. My work has mandated that I take a bi-weekly home rapid test and I have done so every day I have felt ill and there have been no positive results. However I'm not sure

My roommate is in the extremely high-risk category from anything including covid because of their chronic lung conditions. Naturally I have been avoiding them in the house as much as possible

I am in my mid-20s and weigh approximately 400 pounds and I am about six foot three. I gained more than a hundred pounds during the covid-19 lockdowns because my eating got really lazy and I just ordered out all the time

I have some Ivermectin horsepaste coming and it should be here by Monday. What I want to know is if anyone here has actually taken any and what kind of dosing there is. I have seen so many different threads and opinions on the matter here and on td.

If you are experienced with this please give me some insight. On the side I am taking 4000 mg of vitamin D a day, the other recommended minerals I cannot yet get my hands on. but I do take a daily multi-vitamin, probiotic, prescription medication, and calcium supplements. Any help is greatly appreciated
PatriotSmoothieBruh, once you get over this cold, you need to get your shit together and drop 150lbs. Go watch some Alan Roberts on YouTube, basically your body is in an inflammatory state carrying that much weight and your body is basically ripe for infections, covid loves fat cells.

Take 500/1000mg quercetin and 50mg zinc also and cut out all your junk food and get rid of any alchohol/pop/snacks.
And start upping your movement each day. Good luck
Hey everyone. Let me preface this by saying that I have been a patriot for a very long time. I was on TD since 2015 and I would skim through meta once in a while. To be honest I found it quite boring in comparison with the lower activity, and Canada wasn't something I was focussing on even though this is where I'm from and where I live. Kind of odd I know.

I work in customer service and meet many different people every day. The fact of the matter is that I have recently become quite sick starting with a sore throat on Wednesday and escalating to some severe coughing today. My work has mandated that I take a bi-weekly home rapid test and I have done so every day I have felt ill and there have been no positive results. However I'm not sure

My roommate is in the extremely high-risk category from anything including covid because of their chronic lung conditions. Naturally I have been avoiding them in the house as much as possible

I am in my mid-20s and weigh approximately 400 pounds and I am about six foot three. I gained more than a hundred pounds during the covid-19 lockdowns because my eating got really lazy and I just ordered out all the time

I have some Ivermectin horsepaste coming and it should be here by Monday. What I want to know is if anyone here has actually taken any and what kind of dosing there is. I have seen so many different threads and opinions on the matter here and on td.

If you are experienced with this please give me some insight. On the side I am taking 4000 mg of vitamin D a day, the other recommended minerals I cannot yet get my hands on. but I do take a daily multi-vitamin, probiotic, prescription medication, and calcium supplements. Any help is greatly appreciated
PatriotSmoothieDo you know the dose per volume of the ivermectin you’re buying? The typical dose is 300 ug/kg of body weight, which is 0.0003 g/kg. For example, if you weighed 150 lbs (68 kg) then the dosage would be

0.0003 * 68 = 0.02 g, which is approximately 20 mg.

Ivermectin has a long elimination half life – 18 hours in man. So you need to be aware that if you took your last dose 18 hours ago, you still have half of it circulating in your body.
Hey everyone. Let me preface this by saying that I have been a patriot for a very long time. I was on TD since 2015 and I would skim through meta once in a while. To be honest I found it quite boring in comparison with the lower activity, and Canada wasn't something I was focussing on even though this is where I'm from and where I live. Kind of odd I know.

I work in customer service and meet many different people every day. The fact of the matter is that I have recently become quite sick starting with a sore throat on Wednesday and escalating to some severe coughing today. My work has mandated that I take a bi-weekly home rapid test and I have done so every day I have felt ill and there have been no positive results. However I'm not sure

My roommate is in the extremely high-risk category from anything including covid because of their chronic lung conditions. Naturally I have been avoiding them in the house as much as possible

I am in my mid-20s and weigh approximately 400 pounds and I am about six foot three. I gained more than a hundred pounds during the covid-19 lockdowns because my eating got really lazy and I just ordered out all the time

I have some Ivermectin horsepaste coming and it should be here by Monday. What I want to know is if anyone here has actually taken any and what kind of dosing there is. I have seen so many different threads and opinions on the matter here and on td.

If you are experienced with this please give me some insight. On the side I am taking 4000 mg of vitamin D a day, the other recommended minerals I cannot yet get my hands on. but I do take a daily multi-vitamin, probiotic, prescription medication, and calcium supplements. Any help is greatly appreciat