‘Hot’ list

It's a good option to have, we'll look into making it possible.
Just out of interest what differences are there with the 'latest updates' extreme left tab to the 'newest' tab?
'Latest Updates' is in descending order of 'activity', aka, any recent thread comments, by the OP or otherwise. In this sense, a new thread counts as a new thread comment, so, new threads initially start at the top of this sorting.

'Newest' is in descending order of thread creation, not taking into account any further comments on these threads.
I normally stay on Latest Updates. We don't have as robust of a ranking/sorting system as the .win system does. I have wanted a Hot feature from the start. Original plan was to leave it like this and just move every thread that was older than 3 days to the archive. This would essentially make Popular the same as Hot (highest voted threads in the last 3 days, now it is most popular of all time basically) I was working on an auto-move that would do this automatically but haven't come up with a way yet, so it's stayed like this.

I agree though, better sorting is now a priority!
On TD/Patriots 'Hot' used to mean I guess most active/ most replies/ frequency of upvotes (in real time) as opposed to 'popular' (which they called 'TOP') which was just gross number of upvotes which on TD could have been 5 figures upvoted, making it impossible for new posts to make a 'popular' subset.
We don't really have a system to analyze all interactions like that to do a ranking based on all those metrics. Popularity now is 100% based on updoot totals. Not saying this isn't possible in the future, we could look into more powerful analytics and ranking features if it gets requested enough.

So this system I am envisioning would be like this:

New - Newest threads

Popular (Hot) - Most updoots limited to a 3 day window

Latest Updates - Threads that have had a new comment

I think this would work pretty well. Keep in mind we do have a super powerful search feature, but it's a pain in the ass to use I know!

Latest updates is okay, but still old posts…I don’t feel like I have a good way to see what’s trending right now. Gotta have some kind of hot list por favour.