And its AIDS! Yale confirms covid shots give you aids

2020 Screenshot_2025-02-23-12-15-13-1.png
-Fact Check Army Deployed
-Operation Warp Speed
-Vaccine Definition Changes
-Therapeutics are vilified (Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectine)
-No one Needs to wear a mask
-SHUTDOWN:14 days to stop the spread

2021 "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE", Influenza Reporting is halted. The Flu Goes on Vacation.

View attachment ssstwitter.com_1740341565375.mp4

-Vaccine injuries within 14 days of vaccination don't count.
-Vaccine injuries after 14 days couldn't possibly be caused by the vaccine because it doesn't stay in the body that long.
-Fact Check: Vaccine doesn't contain HIV
-Natural Immunity No Longer Exists
-Therapeutics are BANNED
-Largest Clinical Trial in History is conducted on the general public.
-TEST TEST TEST: Rapid Test, PCR Test
-Everyone Needs to Wear a Mask, you can remove it if you are sitting down, eating or drinking. Virus leaves you alone.
-Social Distancing 6 feet apart
-Sneeze Gaurds EVERYWHERE

2022 : Booster Brigade, Still "SAFE AND EFFECTIVE" despite some rare side effects. Rewards outweigh the risks. "TRUST THE SCIENCE"
-Booster every 6 months is the only way forward, regardless of prior infection.
-It's ok to mix and match vaccine brands and dosages because there's no Science to prove otherwise.
-Anyone Vaccine injured is a "Science Denier".
-The Flu is still on Vacation because PCR Tests can't differentiate between SARSCOV2 and Influenza Virus
-Everyone needs to wear 2 masks, no 3, more than 3 masks is better.
-MORONIC Variant is the most deadly
-Professional athletes dropping like flies
-Doctors and Pilots dropping like flies
-Children have always had strokes and Heart attacks.
-Sudden Adult Death Syndrome now exists
-Monkey Pox infects GAY MEN, not booster related. TRUST THE SCIENCE

2023 Despite the PCR Tests not not working. We will replace them with More PCR TESTS.
-Booster, booster, booster
-The flu is back from vacation because we changed testing methods.
-The Flu + Covid = Super Virus
-New MRNA Bivalent Flu shot, get it now.
-Fact Check: VAXAIDS is conspiracy theory.
-Get you 6th booster for the Ninja Variant

2024 The Rapid Tests Never Worked, China faked their data. Keep testing.
-Ivermectin Always worked
-HydroxyChloroquine always worked
-Monoclonal Antibodies always worked
-Get your 8th Booster
-New QUADRAVALENT MRNA Flu vaccine, get injected with new flu strains that you would never encounter in the wild.
-Turbo Cancers everywhere

2025 Everyone has AIDS


Trying to Cope with Everyone Having VAXXAIDS.


-The VAXX causes your body to produce Spike Proteins indefinitely. Destroying your immune system. Killing cells.

Everyone realizes that the one man who oversaw the entire AIDS Epidemic(Anthony Fauci) is the same one who funded the Gain of Function Program that created SARSCOV2 (Spike Protein Contains HIV). Then the VAXX forced your body to produce said SPIKE PROTEIN that gave EVERYONE AIDS.

Just a quick recap on how we got here.
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this is an amazing post

lots of good info and is factual

everyone i know that got vaxxed has AIDS and it feels bad ... wish they listened to me and you
What are the chances that AZT or something similar is once again pushed on the public to "treat" new AIDS epidemic?

AZT was the controversial treatment pushed by Anthony Fauci that killed a lot of people. It wasn't AIDS killing people in the 90's. It was AZT.

They tested it on Black Orphans, then they burried them in an open mass grave covered by plywood in the middle of the city.