Trannys are getting new passports with their biological sex on it

My wife just told me a funny story. She's a hairdresser, her client told her TODAY.

She was at her son's basketball game. Heckling the other team, to teach them a life lesson.

Then this TRANNY comes over and sits right next to her. "How would you like it if I heckled you? They're jus kids"

Her, "Excuse me sir?"

Tranny: "Sir? Are you Fucking kidding me?".

Then her husband(A big dude) walks over and sits down, literally on the Tranny. Looks over and says "Leave my Wife ALONE.".

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Years ago I was with a buddy buying something from Extra Foods(Loblaws). The Cashier was a redheaded(soulless ginger) dude. His nametag said Natasha, I called him SIR, and said "thank you sir." My buddy said, "I don't think you should have called him a sir".

Me, "Fuck that, that's a guy".

Years later my buddy went full retard during covid. Messaged me out of the blue. Said, "I need your help, I need you to wear a mask and pretend to be vaccinated".

I never talked to him again. Fuck YOU.
