Of all the hills to die on what the fuck is it with lefties and troons? I mean honestly what gives? A man in a dress is supposed to be a punchline not a life or death political issue.
Opposing Trump is getting pretty comical. I think he could come out in favor of fresh air and half these retards would go wrap their lips around an exhaust pipe just to stick it to him.
@Chobes I pretty much disregard any tough talk from vaccinated people. The people of this country are soft for the most part. Full of bluster and ego like a yappy dog that stays hidden behind fence.
They are only dangerous because they are unhinged but that danger is mostly to themselves. Any of these morons who want to talk taking up arms would have already done so at the Indian invasion we have suffered.
Pont blank period this country was put to bed during covid. They do not have the strength of their convictions and all that talk about a free and open liberal society will disappear at the first sign of a cold.
The people of this country do not have the will power to withstand psychological abuse nevermind actual violence.