Robert Brooks overdosed.


Immovable object.
Basically there’s going to be some epic chimping out by bLm if this blows up but they definitely have the correctional officers dead to rights.

Second question: what did Robert Brooks say to get those guards so triggered?
Upvote 10
Overdosed on what? Fists? Boots?

Second question: what did Robert Brooks say to get those guards so triggered?
"I have only one wish, to be beaten to death by ZOGbots."
"It's your lucky day, young man."
Hang em all. Everyone involved. There's no defending that behavior. Beating on a cuffed and sedated? man. Choking and molesting the guy. Striping him naked and beating him.

Equal treatment, put them in prison with the scum, where they belong.

Civilized society doesn't condone this behavior. Criminals with badges, nothing more.
Brooks suffered injuries to his head, neck, hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, torso, liver, spleen and testicles, his air passages were restricted and he chocked on his own blood, resulting in his death, according to the indictment.
All of this was inflicted in the infirmary. Then these officers lied and tried to cover it up.

Body cameras exist for this reason. This should be featured on worlds dumbest criminals.