The Great Awakening The reason we can't debate with normies about "Conspiracies"


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Big Pharma corruption, Freemasonry, Adrenochrome, our hidden history, among other well known conspiracies, all require that you recognize that there is a presence of evil, and I mean REAL EVIL in our society. Not the general "humans aren't perfect so there's always gonna be good and bad people" - I mean intentional, active evil that is working on a global scale, and rooted in Satanism. Because when you think about it, all these "conspiracies" share the following - promoting a culture of death, removing God, dumbing us down and blurring the lines between truth and fiction. It's all Satanic.

Many people I try to have discussions with end up pushing away because they simply can't fathom that evil could actually be that evil. I'm talking human/child sacrifice, the destruction and corruption of our health, hijacking our God-given bodily autonomy. No matter how clear the evidence is, no matter how obvious the corruption and conflicts of interest, the response is the same: "Why would the government want to hurt us?" "Why would Big Pharma try to poison us?" "Why would they try to hide our history?" etc etc

Yes, there are some who have enough of an open mind that they are willing to consider the possibility of real evil in society; these are the people who wake up from the matrix.
But for everyone else, who is stuck in the loop of "I don't think xyz could be that evil," the only solution is to pray for the Holy Spirit to open their minds and hearts to the truth of spiritual warfare, because until they do, no amount of evidence we provide will change their mind.

Just wanted to rant a bit, cause this has been on my mind for some time.
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It's all crazy talk until the other shoe drops, then it becomes a matter of fact we have always known about and it's no big deal.

Nobody else is going to be woken up the time for that has passed.

That NPC thing is real and roughly 90% are simply not there. They cannot deal with unpleasant information and will deny it until such time as it becomes normalized.

People who are under foot have an ego as such where they cannot admit that the foot is even there. Should they acknowledge the foot they must also acknowledge it's time to take action. Most people do not have the appetite for direct action so living a lie and playing dumb is easier.
Big Pharma corruption, Freemasonry, Adrenochrome, our hidden history, among other well known conspiracies, all require that you recognize that there is a presence of evil, and I mean REAL EVIL in our society. Not the general "humans aren't perfect so there's always gonna be good and bad people" - I mean intentional, active evil that is working on a global scale, and rooted in Satanism. Because when you think about it, all these "conspiracies" share the following - promoting a culture of death, removing God, dumbing us down and blurring the lines between truth and fiction. It's all Satanic.

Many people I try to have discussions with end up pushing away because they simply can't fathom that evil could actually be that evil. I'm talking human/child sacrifice, the destruction and corruption of our health, hijacking our God-given bodily autonomy. No matter how clear the evidence is, no matter how obvious the corruption and conflicts of interest, the response is the same: "Why would the government want to hurt us?" "Why would Big Pharma try to poison us?" "Why would they try to hide our history?" etc etc

Yes, there are some who have enough of an open mind that they are willing to consider the possibility of real evil in society; these are the people who wake up from the matrix.
But for everyone else, who is stuck in the loop of "I don't think xyz could be that evil," the only solution is to pray for the Holy Spirit to open their minds and hearts to the truth of spiritual warfare, because until they do, no amount of evidence we provide will change their mind.

Just wanted to rant a bit, cause this has been on my mind for some time.
I still don't know if it's that people in power are immoral or amoral, and personally I find the thought of them being amoral worse. A person who is immoral knows right from wrong, they just do wrong, an amoral person doesn't know right from wrong and simply work to their advantage, which means they can do things so evil that even the most immoral person would recoil from them, and they would do it without a second thought. That seems to be type of people we have to worry about, and they are also the type of people that tend to rise to the top.
Big Pharma corruption, Freemasonry, Adrenochrome, our hidden history, among other well known conspiracies, all require that you recognize that there is a presence of evil, and I mean REAL EVIL in our society. Not the general "humans aren't perfect so there's always gonna be good and bad people" - I mean intentional, active evil that is working on a global scale, and rooted in Satanism. Because when you think about it, all these "conspiracies" share the following - promoting a culture of death, removing God, dumbing us down and blurring the lines between truth and fiction. It's all Satanic.

Many people I try to have discussions with end up pushing away because they simply can't fathom that evil could actually be that evil. I'm talking human/child sacrifice, the destruction and corruption of our health, hijacking our God-given bodily autonomy. No matter how clear the evidence is, no matter how obvious the corruption and conflicts of interest, the response is the same: "Why would the government want to hurt us?" "Why would Big Pharma try to poison us?" "Why would they try to hide our history?" etc etc

Yes, there are some who have enough of an open mind that they are willing to consider the possibility of real evil in society; these are the people who wake up from the matrix.
But for everyone else, who is stuck in the loop of "I don't think xyz could be that evil," the only solution is to pray for the Holy Spirit to open their minds and hearts to the truth of spiritual warfare, because until they do, no amount of evidence we provide will change their mind.

Just wanted to rant a bit, cause this has been on my mind for some time.
I honestly can’t blame the sheep. I despise them with every fibre of my being but I get why they don’t want to engage with evil.

That being said, I have to be very conscious of the fact that I radicalize everyone around me with prolonged exposure to my mind. Some people just aren’t meant to be unplugged.
The problem with normies is they engage in the evil and normalize it. Normies support killing of babies, mutilating children, grooming and fooking kids is perfectly normal to these degenerates. They think men can be women and women can be men. They embrace alternate lifestyles i.e sexual immorality, pronouns etc etc. Normies are anti freedom and common sense.

If waking a normie is painful then i do it gladly. I cant stand normies
Timothy 4:1-2

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared

to me the worst thing = a conscience that is seared = a person can no longer be convicted by the holy spirit to do the correct thing

If the holy spirit cant fix you or make a person do the right thing then the odds we can fix them are not very good? To me this is why it is so trying to get normies to listen to reason because their minds are gone.
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If the holy spirit cant fix you or make a person do the right thing then the odds we can fix them are not very good? To me this is why it is so trying to get normies to listen to reason because their minds are gone.
Exactly. Big part of it is because we have free will - God let's us choose whether we want to accept the truth or not, but He never forces us. At the end of the day, there are some people who actively reject anything other than what they've been fed/indoctrinated with. To these people, ignorance is bliss, because they realize that constantly seeking the truth and trying to defend it takes too much effort, and is inconvenient.

That's where the devil gets you - with promises of convenience
The past several years have felt like this only multiple times a week with several different people in my life:

Who is to blame when sheep getting lead off cliff? The sheep or the false-shepherd? I very much believe the false-shepherd would be at fault. Like the sheep people within society are rightly blameless for the situation we find ourselves in. The trek that our ancestors were artificially poked and prodded started centuries ago and it is now just coming fruition. What we can do in the current present is plant new seeds. That the fruit it will produce the necessary changes to will lead society into a better future.

I think we are just starting to see better changes. Truths and old conspiracies are now becoming common facts within our society. We just have to be aware of the false-shepherds and snakes that might lead us down the false path again.
The sheep aren't blameless. Psychopathic elite make up such a small percentage of the population. It is the NPC who carries out their will. The sheep holds all the power and the responsibility.

The sheep will gladly persecute a member of their flock - even kill them - if they go against the false shephard.

Plato's Allegory of the Cave talks about this. It holds true in real life.
The point I was trying to get across. Putting your focus and anger on the faceless masses is exercise of futility specially if they did you no wrong. Most of these people will just try to keep their heads down and try to get by.

Real anger and finger pointing should go to hidden hands pulling the invisible levers that push and prod society.
Big Pharma corruption, Freemasonry, Adrenochrome, our hidden history, among other well known conspiracies, all require that you recognize that there is a presence of evil, and I mean REAL EVIL in our society. Not the general "humans aren't perfect so there's always gonna be good and bad people" - I mean intentional, active evil that is working on a global scale, and rooted in Satanism. Because when you think about it, all these "conspiracies" share the following - promoting a culture of death, removing God, dumbing us down and blurring the lines between truth and fiction. It's all Satanic.

Many people I try to have discussions with end up pushing away because they simply can't fathom that evil could actually be that evil. I'm talking human/child sacrifice, the destruction and corruption of our health, hijacking our God-given bodily autonomy. No matter how clear the evidence is, no matter how obvious the corruption and conflicts of interest, the response is the same: "Why would the government want to hurt us?" "Why would Big Pharma try to poison us?" "Why would they try to hide our history?" etc etc

Yes, there are some who have enough of an open mind that they are willing to consider the possibility of real evil in society; these are the people who wake up from the matrix.
But for everyone else, who is stuck in the loop of "I don't think xyz could be that evil," the only solution is to pray for the Holy Spirit to open their minds and hearts to the truth of spiritual warfare, because until they do, no amount of evidence we provide will change their mind.

Just wanted to rant a bit, cause this has been on my mind for some time.
BeaverTownInstead of trying to show the horrors of mankind the path of least resistance is to show the good of mankind.

People are mentally fatigued, and I understand that trying to show someone the horrors the intent is for them to become angry and rise up, but I find most people want to be left alone. So instead show them the good and by doing so it will lift a massive burden off of your shoulders as well. No one wants to lug around all the bad of the world on their shoulders, its tiring as well.
True, but I believe the only way to truly be at peace is to both be aware of these evils, but also trusting in God and His Will - because He's ultimately in control. There is a real sense of freedom when you're aware of both the good and the bad - it makes you so much more grateful for what is good in your own life.
I disagree slightly its very easy to love and cherish what you have in your own life since you alone put the effort into earning it. God gave us free will, that means do with as you wish, aka the grand plan for sure is a destination but you are free to move about the cabin.

Jesuit priests whip themselves daily to gain perspective but honestly they are weird and who punishes themselves mentally to then be grateful.

Gratitude comes from hard work and mental fortitude comes from hard work. Gratitude should not come from pain, that means you are a slave and only gain peace when your owner decides it so.
Alot of Normie believe in conspiracies, like Big Pharma corruption and media manipulation

True, but they're complacent and willing to perpetuate it for personal gain. The normie through his or her own thoughts, beliefs, habits, and behaviour perpetuate such a system - even without meaning to. The normie may even - in his or her own mind - may feel as though they are working against the system, or for the betterment of humanity but within their limited role within the constraints of the system itself. The rulers, with a thorough understanding of the thought and emotional processes of the normie, make allotments for this type of self delusion within the framework of the system itself.

Normie is, as normie does, and ultimately the system marches on, until the rulers get greedy enough with a large enough batch of normies, that even the normiest of the normies have no choice but to listen to the few remaining autists and schizos (that they haven't either intentionally or unintentionally persecuted into extinction) who have been trying and failing to wake them up, until way past the 11 o'clock hour.

This may have something to do with the Tytler Cycle - the rise and fall of nations and empires.
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I can't debate because I'll get fucking pissed at how fucking dumb people are. At this point, with access to so much information and people still being dumb as shit, there's no hope for them no matter what you say.
At this point, the entire situation is so sad and depressing that it's kinda laughable. I don't even get stressed about the corruption and evil anymore - God's in control, and as long as I stay close to Him, there's nothing to worry about...

As for discussing stuff with people, I hardly do that anymore - if you're not awake by now, you probably never will be. So I just laugh at memes and enjoy the show - because our collective society is long past due for a major wake up call and I'm curious about how the next few months will pan out