How much are you willing to give up just to be called Canadian?


Based Member
I'm going to ask you guys an honest question. For those who want to stay Canadian, I have to ask—why? Are you willing to live under Indian rule and let others take over Canada just so you can still call yourself Canadian? How much are you willing to give up just to say, "I'm Canadian"?

Sure, becoming the 51st state might not fix much, or anything at all, but at least it would be something different. And honestly, I'm damn near ready to give up on Canada myself. If this BS tariffs kick in and they print money to fight them I'm not sure Canada can recover.

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How much are you willing to give up to remain unvaccinated?
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Are you referring to the China flu vaxx requirement for green cards?

Cos that’s been waived eh.


If Canada decides to join the Federation of States, also known as the USA, we wouldn't have to go through the immigration process, thus would be exempt from any requirements, either way.

What most people don't understand about the American system is that the States have WAY more autonomy than we do. Look at Texas for example, when they join they made a stipulation that they could leave the Federation at anytime, for any reason. Canada could do the same.

Personally, I'm half American. I spent half my developing years living and learning in the US. Half of my family is there. I'm not opposed to the idea, if implemented properly.
I'm going to ask you guys an honest question. For those who want to stay Canadian, I have to ask—why? Are you willing to live under Indian rule and let others take over Canada just so you can still call yourself Canadian? How much are you willing to give up just to say, "I'm Canadian"?

Sure, becoming the 51st state might not fix much, or anything at all, but at least it would be something different. And honestly, I'm damn near ready to give up on Canada myself. If this BS tariffs kick in and they print money to fight them I'm not sure Canada can recover.

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TOPDAWGThat literally is what King and Bay is at any given moment.
This doesn’t seem like an honest question, but one that assumes what you want to prove. You assume people are hung up on nominally defined Canada (i.e., ‘being called Canadian’). I can’t speak for others, but I won’t suffer and die for a descriptor. However, I will do so for the sake of my ethnic kin.

You also seem to assume Indians or some other group will ‘take over,’ as if that is the only outcome (one that the US is immune to?), or that we could never come back from if it were to happen. What are they taking over? A bureaucracy? Is that all Canada is? I don’t think so.
Ask any 2nd generation immigrant. They are just as Canadian as you.
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I'm 3rd gen, my wife is 2nd gen, at what point are you considered not Canadian?

It's a difficult conversation, where do you draw the line?

Canada is an English/French speaking nation with a rich history. That needs to be preserved, not colonized by a third world country. Canadian standards need to be maintained. That's not possible at current immigration levels.

I guess for me the line is when homogeneous ethnic enclaves develope and refuse to integrate/assimilate.

When one ethnic group dominates/breaks the immigration system, student visa system, healthcare system, etc. When one group runs Organized crime, scams, vehicle theft rings, drug production/trafficking(record breaking), human trafficking, election scams, rapes/sexual assaults, ect.
(Indians are dominating all of these.)

Replacement Migration is a real thing. It's being implemented.
I'm going to ask you guys an honest question. For those who want to stay Canadian, I have to ask—why? Are you willing to live under Indian rule and let others take over Canada just so you can still call yourself Canadian? How much are you willing to give up just to say, "I'm Canadian"?

Sure, becoming the 51st state might not fix much, or anything at all, but at least it would be something different. And honestly, I'm damn near ready to give up on Canada myself. If this BS tariffs kick in and they print money to fight them I'm not sure Canada can recover.

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TOPDAWG I think you thinking that being an American will change that isn't right.


American is bigger than Canada, but India is bigger than both, and remember who J.D. Vance's wife is, I don't believe her name is Smith. I'm not willing to give up being Canadian to pause pakification for a few years.
This is a nation that preaches my body my choice yet attempted to ruin people over their own personal medical decisions. It's a nation that imports third world trash and puts them up in anything from hotels to public housing while giving them welfare and putting their kids in daycare even if the parents are unemployed. The local population finds themselves in ever growing tent cities while being provided powerful drugs to ensure either their demise or life as a functional retard after the Narcan is given 2 minutes too late and their IQ drops 30 points.

A nation whos primary concern with regards to schooling seems to be teaching all manner of sexual perversion while shaming children for the fact that our post national state is built atop the graves of native babies. A country that has already been invaded by indians now wants to talk about waging anything from trade war to actual war with our neighbors. The same people encouraging this would send young boys home from school for daring to have a toy gun.

This is a nation that denied young people the most formative of life experiences for over two years so that seniors citizens could pretend to be safe from a cold. The so called essential workers essentially received an inflation induced pay cut so everybody else could stay home with pay and make demands of the very people they were dependent on.

There is no team Canada and their hasn't been for a very long time. People who will never miss a payday want to economically and perhaps actually destroy this country out of spite for the orange man now want to circle the wagons with people like me and I am saying no. I cannot even defend my home and children from home invaders without the power of the state attempting to crush me while criminals are allowed to run rampant.

I am not willing to do any work to remain Canadian. I am not even willing to get out of bed to defend about 90% of the people in the country. I dare say that if the Abrams tanks were about to roll though my town I would have to go salt the road to ensure safe passage.

Progressively minded Canadians spent decades making this bed and now they can lay in it.
Well, the final nail in the coffin is going to be UBI. It’s coming. PM Dipshit is going to use the tariffs to push it—mark my words. Once that happens, it’s game over.

You'll have to many fuckers who will vote for so called free money. I know I talk shit to others on here all the time about being black pilled but god damn I'm getting to that point. I think pm fuck face wants the tariffs at this point.
The UBI will just be the start of it. I can see that Carny dangling UBI in front of people just to get elected and then rug pulling everybody on day 1 because it's obviously unaffordable and retarded. On the other hand they may actually implement it as it is the perfect tool for total control of thought, speech and action and there is nothing the "liberal" desires more than absolute conformity (aside from sex, you can be any kind of pervert you want)

They are going to extend voting rights to all manner of foreign student and worker as not doing so would be Trump like in nature. No criminals should be jailed with the exception being political dissidents as punishing actual criminals is racist. Never ever EVER bet against the stupidity and sanctimony of the average Canadian. The teachers unions have done their job well.
If Alberta does leave Confederation it pretty much signals the end of Canada. The question is how long will dissolution take? I have no clue. Canada no longer fits the definition of a nation we are more of a economic zone. I am going treat it as such. Everyone should be focus on local level(tribe) as much as you can. Until government has so little impact on your life where force will be their only option to influence you. Anything above that no longer matters as the political leadership clearly hates Canadians.
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I think the consensus is that Canada as a (mostly) unified nation (a people, ethnos, culture) is dead, although Canada as a state (managerial bureaucracy or economic zone, run by corrupt oligarchs) remains. We can hate the state, and lament the destruction of our nation, though that does not mean that we cannot rebuild a nation(s) within the geographical confines of the state. In fact, we might have a better chance of doing that here than south of the boarder. In time, our gov’t will weaken and teeter toward collapse. Power abhors a vacuum. New elites (organized minorities) will rise. Don’t think it is hopeless.
I'm not sure I care one way or another. Perhaps the main thing I appreciate about being canadian is that it's quaint. I don't have to worry about my country and politicians going around the globe threatening war or getting into conflict of the chosen people. We're insignificant, pretty much just there, ideally doing alright and not having a psychotic episode.
I'm going to ask you guys an honest question. For those who want to stay Canadian, I have to ask—why? Are you willing to live under Indian rule and let others take over Canada just so you can still call yourself Canadian? How much are you willing to give up just to say, "I'm Canadian"?

Sure, becoming the 51st state might not fix much, or anything at all, but at least it would be something different. And honestly, I'm damn near ready to give up on Canada myself. If this BS tariffs kick in and they print money to fight them I'm not sure Canada can recover.

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TOPDAWGIf you really want to kick the nest, advocate for for a new country in western Canada, or Quebec. Separate countries are harder for globalists to control.
I think that may depend on which globalists we're talking about.

For example - I'm pretty sure the American's grand strategy round about 2000 or so involved breaking up every major country that could possibly oppose them in the future into smaller countries in order to preserve their status as a hyperpower. They wanted to break Russia into 4 or 5 countries, and planned systemic attacks on other major countries in their way (Syria, Libya, etc).

I think the hyperpower moment has faded now, but we have all lived through years of largely unnecessary warfare that only resulted in disrupting the lives of millions of people.

It may be harder to control many small countries in some ways and perhaps they could theoretically be more independent.

In other ways - each of those small countries have less power and have less power to resist military invasions, foreign pressure at the UN or from other countries, etc.
My family first settled this land in the early 1700s and have been working their own farms since then and since 1920.
I have dual citizenship…

You guys are degenerate traitors with your defeatist weirdo logic.
You want to become Americans? Then go flee to the ZOG machine.

You don’t deserve what has been laid at your feet at the expense of the blood sweat and tears of good ole boys and men from generations past.
You all act like the Laurentians.

When people call Canadians socialist, call Canadians NPCs, you folks who harbour these ideas are no different, just the other side of the coin.

No allegiance no honour you’re not even worthy to carry the fucking shoes of the boys and men who paid the ultimate sacrifice for God and Country.
Are you going to take up their quarrel with the foe?…

I hope you truly understand that, your degenerate minds are broken and you have no worth if you can’t stomach a fucking fight for your existence.
And you people call yourselves Men…You are loosers and goofs.

End of discussion.

May God have mercy on your souls, people like me won’t.

The Maple Leaf Forever.
Forever The Maple Leaf.
Pro Patria.


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One cannot betray what has souled them out first. Go ahead and defend this post national state and all of your indian friends. The blood and soil of this nation will remain but its government and name must now be buried. To defend this country is not unlike defending our ancestors, it's a waste of time because the country is just as dead as they are.

A dual citizen wants to call people traitor while having somewhere else to run off too. I knew plenty of the men who carried our flag for god and country and for starters they would be way more pissed off at the state of affairs than any of us are and for second NONE of them carried a red and white flag with a red maple leaf on it.

Had I known we were just going to give the country away to the goddamned chinamen I would have thrown down my rifle and taken up with Hitler. That is straight from the lips of my long since deceased great grandfather who survived Dieppe.

Keep your mercy so you can trade it in for some sense to realize that defending a nation that pushes all manner of sexual perversion on children while drowning them in foreigners no longer deserves to stand.
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Its all so tiresome...I hit a nerve with you eh bud hahaha this is gunna be fun.
All youre doing is bitching and youve been ultimatly the liberal brainwashing worked on you.
End of discussion, again.
Its disgusting.

Canada is not a post national state...youre believing propoganda from your oppressor, you probably also think your "white".
Have you lived anyhwere outside of a city for a long period of time, did you grow up in the country? Have you not been to the county, the sticks and boonies...EVERYBODY thinks the way we do. What are smoking dude?

Jesus Christ Almighty cant save you anymore, you have to save yourselves from the hellhole Laurentians want to impose on you on behalf of globalists thinkstanks and whatver else, youre bitching and moaning "i CaNt DoAnYtHiNg".
You people think Laurentians have this stranglehold on reality and that causes your brain to think you have no power over anytihng, that is simple human psychology.
Fuck off looser. people who think like you are a bunch of goofs.
You people are the problem just as much as the Laurentians and 3rd worlders.

Yes im calling you dispicable people traitors...YES, you are traitors just like all them MPs hahaha.
Your the one thinking "UgHhHhH wE cAnT Do AnYtHiN".
Get outta here with your domesticated animal brain.

I have dual citizenship...guess where I'm living and have lived and worked for 95% of my life.
Youre a weirdo dude, fucking hell ou people run at the first sign of adversity.

Youre weird and disgusting...whenever shit hits the fan (it will) I wouldnt trust you people with a fucking 2x4 or a spork.
Hahaha that was a pretty good one eh?
You are not worthy enough to even carry the shoes of those boys and men who died in the green fields of France and Europa. I had a handfull of family Native, English, Scots fight through both wars for what they believed in, your going to roll over and get ya belly rubbed are ya? hahaha ya gunna be a good goy are ya? Just hand it over because of your Laurentian propogandist reasons?...youre a muppet.
Your brain is nothing more than a domesticated animal gasping at air and food stocks for survival.
Youre a good goy.

Youre retarded and your LARPing now...Yeah your grandfather said he wouldve joined Hitler...mhmm Im so sure buddy, and I got beachfront property in Oklahoma to sell to ya...fucking retarded.
Nobody is running but you people, you think 3rd worlders/muzzies/pajeets are everywhere? only in cities...
Good God in Heaven...what a bitch boy.
Go touch grass and work out.

That was fun bud, cathartic, and I hope you have a little grey matter left in that 6 inches between your ears to maybe, just maybe hold all that is holy in the blood sweat and tears that was shed for the Dominion of Canada.

The Maple Leaf Forever.
Damn it feels good to be a real Canadian.

Anything else?
You sound vaccinated. You should settle down before you have a heart attack. You have more of a problem with users here than the government that has done this to the nation.

There is no changing the mind of an arrogant clown like yourself. Enjoy sitting in a foxhole with Trudeau. Pretty cute you think I am a city boy but you come off as the sort of guy who is totally ignorant of the world beyond his field.

A man born of farmers who wants to defend a nation of commies, good luck with that.
@Trudeaus coke dealer
This is fun.
Right...I sound vaxxed, stop projecting goy. Youre weird.
Yes you are just as much as the problem as elected traitors and the sheep of the masses, youre part of the problem.

YES, you cant change my mind because I'm right.
You people think you cant do anything...thats defeatest thinking, youre believing your oppressor. What else is there beyond the green fields of pasture? microchip cities that have to cart their food into their hellscapes? everyone outside of cities lives like Canadians.

Yes farmers still feed you, with your fucking slop of a brain goy.

Ya not done yet are ya? I got another hour before I gotta go tend to my flock.
You aren't shit but a big ego. You are defending a nation that wants you dead. I haven't given up on anything but will never ally with the typical liberally minded Canadian. Get back to work to put food on the tables of your enemies you worthless dirt farmer.
Definitely no ZOG in Canada, big brained take!
Not like America...if you think there is thats defeatist thinking, youre a good goy for believing your oppressor.
You people think your "white"...youve been brainwashed.
Damn you people seriously need to go touch grass and work out.
The boys and men you’re talking about would have pulled out the torches and pitchforks by now and taken care of business instead of trying to reason with the unreasonable. Those boys and men would have never let it go that far in the first place though. So what do your boys and men have to say about you and the rest? They’d likely say why the fuck did l fight for you and this country when that is the end result.

Have you tarred and feathered a politician or a groomer recently to put it mildly? Has anyone? Cos if not you are just another npc ehski. No better than any of us.

Oh guys no, let’s not go there, we be good Canadians, we be unlike them ‘muricans over there, we be nice folks!

Is that what those boys and men said back in the day too I wonder? Or was it more like we be Canadians, who the fuck are you and would you potentially like my foot up your ass?
Its all so tiresome...
Youre repeating defeatist sentiment no different when the convoy rolled through town and everyone said it wouldnt change anything...I was here telling you fuckers then to come join us.
Yet here you are again "UgHhHhH nOtHiNg wIlL ChAnGe"...

Anything else?
You seemed triggered. While you might see them as degenerate, I see you as delusional. Clinging to an old world that is never coming back. It’s gone because boomers and gen x, for the most part, chose indulgence over responsibility. They sold us all out. “No allegiance, no honour”

My question to you is, what are you going to do about it? Chant “pro patria” at the sun until a miracle happens? There’s not enough of you to sustain a sovereign nation nor defend “muh Canada”. Most Canadians are pathetic and they get what they fucking deserve. The LARP is cute tho. Keep it up!
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Again, your the ones projecting your defeat onto others.
Again, you are believing your oppressor...
You people are acting like the NPCs dude...hahahaha what in the fuck.
Firstly, fuck ZOG.

To be called a Canadian? Meh.

I am Alberta bound till I die. 100%

Most people want to join the US for a couple extra shekels in their pocket. Shekels mean nothing to me.