Opinion Poll Ontardians about to vote Libs back in

This federal poll was fielded by Mainstreet Researchin January 2025, with a middle field date of January 26, 2025. The poll collected data from a total sample of n=936 Canadian respondents via text message to online survey.

The margin of error [moe] for this poll is estimated at ±3.2%, 19 times out of 20 (for entire sample only) around the 50%-mark.

Come on dude why fall for this shit
Let's get Wynne back. I need more pics of her sitting in the back of mosques.
Fuck her. Shes the reason why things are so expensive. Part timers making almost 18 bucks an hour and still bitching for more.
Can, we Reanimate the corpse of Bill Davis in zombie form? This is a politician I would gladly support. Better candidate than the current choices
Davis was responsible for cutting the Allen Expressway off at Eglinton to placate rich (((homeowners))) in Forest Hill, leading to massive congestion to this day when we could have had a quicker, tunneled means to get to midtown-downtown. So no, I can pass on a reincarnated Davis.
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It definitely was a "conspiracy" insofar as Davis, Jane Jacobs, and other well-connected and wealthy Forest Hill/Annex types didn't want the expressway emerging from a tunnel in a trench around Bloor/Harbord and Spadina. There was discussion of connecting it directly with the Gardiner as well, but the Spadina subway line - which was always planned anyway - was seen a sop and compromise. So now to this day if you want to drive from Allen and Eglinton downtown you either choke Bathurst and Spadina with additional traffic, or find some meandering route through Forest Hill anyway, to the point where residents there don't want the streets rebuilt in order to discourage through traffic by leaving them potholed, cratered messes. Sound planning, right?

Now that Dougie is calling an election the rumour is that he wants some ribbon cuttings on Eglinton and Finch by August. But with Eglinton, depending on what you believe online, parts of the underground section are prone to floods, mislaid tracks, sinking foundations, and a number of other apocalyptic scenarios. It's become a running a joke that it's been under construction for so long that people who had kids when it started are now seeing them enter high-school.
She exerts a cult-like hold on anyone in downtown Toronto associated with urban planning, sociology, etc. The irony is that her efforts in New York to defy Robert Moses kept Greenwich Village, where she lived, in a state of stasis, with no new development occurring for decades. The result of that, of course, is that while it's pretty to walk around in, walk-up flats that she paid 100 bucks a month for in the 1950s to rent now go for five to ten thousand. Same in the Annex, where her and now Margaret Atwood fight tooth and nail against any development that might be affordable to people starting out, even though there are three subway stations in the vicinity. Those two harridans set back urban development for decades in the name of their boutique ideologies.

As for Eglinton, I agree, one mistake Mike Harris made was pulling the plug on the original subway plan in the 1990s all so that Mel Lastman could have his Toontown stub line go along Sheppard that, thirty years later, is still an underperformer.
How is a trucker hat with a catchphrase not going to win Dougie the election?
"What are we going to do with all these 'BUCK A BEER' hats?!"
"Hand me the black and white sharpies, I have an idea... there. Fill out the TFW forms and have a bunch of jeets fix these."
"Boss, you've done it again!"

Doug can't get his mind off of alcohol. The government spent 100's of millions of dollars here to rush getting alcohol into every corner store or gas station. Not sure why really, I have never had a problem finding a drink back when I used to partake.
Doug is a Liberal. Either way you are voting for a Liberal

Ontario will continue to deal with the uniparty and nothing will change
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This is a federal poll. First it was EKOS which I ignored obviously, but now it's Mainstreat which is a little more credible.

Anyway, in my opinion this is push polling, similar to what we've seen after Kamala was selected the nominee. All the news were saying how great Kamala was, and then we all know how it ended.