Hot News South Africa expropriation of Boer(White) land owners


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To summarize the situation the government there can now take your land without any compensation. What comes of the situation specially of Oriana I am not sure.

What is important is to find your tribe and start building your network. As these schemes will be spreading throughout the rest of the West soon.
When things are going wrong take it out on the whites. Looks like we'll have White South African refugees coming our way soon, think we'll let them in or tell them to fuck off?
There's no way in hell they would let them into Canada. The horror stories might wake some of the normies up, especially if some of the refugees happen to be attractive young women.
Let alone recognize White South Africans as refugees. To much of the public will start asking the right questions. Many people are still alive where they remember South Africa being a poster-child of multi-culturalism in the 90s.
Fun game: Go to street view somewhere in Johannesburg, click 'See more dates' then go as far back as you can, then go forward through time to watch everything fall apart and be covered in trash.
Also works for Detroit. Hmm, I wonder if there's a common factor?
They just need more time.

This is absolutely horrific. I guess we’re fortunate that there are not enough natives in Canada that they can whip up resentment to being a serious physical threat. That’s not to say they won’t continue to scapegoat whitey for all social ills and that the government won’t take our stuff anyway. They’re appear to be building the ideology and legal infrastructure for it (UNDRIP).
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The only reason we still have "white" nations in North America/Australia but none left in Africa is because our natives had the common decency to die en masse from European diseases.