Pierre Poilievre BREAKS SILENCE & unveils his tariff response plan, and it’s pure stupid... what about the border and drugs PP?

If the demographic replacement issue isn't addressed, none of the other policy positions matter.

We will just devolve into a violent sectarian hellhole.
humongous secure borders.jpg
Seriously, no one is willing to address the reason for the tariffs?

Secure the border and stop drug/human trafficking. These corrupt pieces of shit obviously are in bed with the Sikh organized crime syndicate in Canada. They are sitting MPs and mayors of major cities in Canada. The corruption needs to be stop. The corrupt RCMP needs to be gutted.
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I've yet to watch it but Canada simply can't do shit about it so stop trying to act tough. Funny thing is here is something he posted online and I like. god damn guy says one thing I like then something dumb after.

So,the other day PP says there's nothing wrong with equalization and doesn't intend to fix it. Now he says this. Honestly, I'm not surprised by any of this, it's refreshing for him to finally show us who he really is, Turdoo lite. Many have speculated that he is and, now, with a huge lead in the polls he shows us. At least, now we know.
It's retarded how hard it is to convince normiecons what a soft spineless piece of shit pp is when it's so blatantly fucking obvious. The "5D cHeSs BrO" argument lost merit long ago but people still hang on to it. Say anything critical of pp online and they assume your a shitlib no matter how black and white you point it out. I know the average person is reasonably fucking stupid but that bar drops a peg daily it seems.
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But in Canada he's the best we really got.
"The best"

It's not even a choice. He's the only option and that's by design. It's a rigged game.

Here's an extreme example of the same scenario.
I'll give you a choice, I shoot you in the head, or you can jump off the cliff. It's your choice.

Either way you are dead, the illusion of choice exists though.
I don't get this shit why the hell would people defend a politician? PP is nothing but a politician to the Bone he'll just agree or say whatever he thinks will get him a few votes.

The guy actually has no positions of his own. go back and look over my posts he's still the best we got if we have to pick something but he still fucking sucks.
listens to it

Jeezus fuck..... LOL.....

a) we don't need
(We need it all)
b) we can't make ourself
(We can't make anything outselves)
c) that we can buy elsewhere
(YEah, importing is total self sufficiency you muppet)

2ndly, I would pass an emergency tax cut to ourselves.....

3 we knock down barriers...


FUck I said it before...... he's a snake....

We have no such ability, and the US is essentially moving to a war footing where they don't NEED us.

Us cutting them off? That just means they go "Lol, well, you coulda hopped on the train and you missed it"

Then he goes on some alcohol shit on a train?

Fuck sakes......

We haver nothing to offer the states. ANything we try do is as a non-sequiter to them, and it's only good for vladimir putin? That's shit across an ocean, we have no play there you muppet!

We are not importing oil from the americans, we are sending our oil to them to refine and buying it back.

Jeezus fuck.... I wish I could fucking do a political launch and knock this clown out......

He has no way to fucking bring it "home" fucking snake. We don't produce it. and he says no plan to cut to maritimes, but to pump money into ISLANDS not the shit that really could be unleashed in the praries.

What a clown.

Maritimes are our greatest assest?

What powers this pipe dream? Unicorn farts?
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My god, how hard is it to acknowledge a couple of Trump’s concerns and at least pretend to play ball? That would differentiate him from the liberals and prevent a painful trade war. These politicians are not stupid. I have to assume they are being placed in these positions to weaken and/or destroy Canada.
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Trump's reason are vague "illegal crossing and fent coming across". There's about 20K crossing on big years, which is less than what the US let through to canada.
No documentation on the drug war or from the national drug threat assessment, there's no mention of canada. Oh, there's one in 2020 when it talks about canadians coming to consume fent in the US.

The feds can throw a few hundreds millions to assuage Trump and try to make a big deal of doing something, but he can just say it's not good enough. He doesn't even need data to back it up. His aim is the USMCA, he wants leverage for that.
he is actually saying logical things.

He wants to produce and manufacture goods here. He wants to lower corporate tax on those that produce. He wants to keep our oil in Canada. He wants pipelines, he wants to deregulate, he wants LNG and to lower the price of energy to rev up the machine. He wants to refine our oil here. He wants to get rid of c69 to get mining asap. He wants to increase provincial economies so they are not reliant on the transfer payments to survive.

I am not a PP fan but finally someone talking some sense. This was actually a good interview. I have hope

Tariffs are going to stay no matter what in the USA as Trump wants to end the endless taxes. He wants to get rid of the central bank and the IRS and the unconstitutional financial systems of control. PP seems to understand this as others dont.

in order to do what he is saying this will take a massive amount of effort. Are young Canadians ready?? I know my sons are. Are the kids that he plays sports with??? IDK.
The issue is with the way Canada is now you can't do those things for years from now. An insane amount of infrastructure is going to have to be built.

Honestly after watching it I don't think he said anything that bad like people here are saying he did. Some of the stuff he says I agree with you need to be able to take care of Canada by Canadians.

Unfortunately that's simply not feasible so right now they better fucking play ball with Trump stop trying to act like tough guys.

I don't give a shit anymore my wife's US green card ready for the next step so if I have the go in a few years so be it.
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USA Tariffs arent going away. It is obvious to see. Trump is returning the USA to the time before the central bank and before income tax and property tax. None of us know what that looks like as we have never seen this time.

Trump is simply using the Tariffs to get what he wants by making them that amount. He will make them more if he wants or less but the world better get used to Tariffs.

A smart leader will start retooling the country to go toe to toe with Trump on energy, manufacturing, corp taxes, removing regulations, supply chain, good governance, mining, oil and gas and get that pumping fast or else. USA is saying we dont need anything you can produce or manufacture and the USA is not wrong. We need to be our own country again from coast to coast. We shouldnt need anything the USA produces or manufactures as we should have our own stuff. If we do need something from them then we can negotiate on those things but gone are the days of freetrade as that only benefited corps more or less.

i dont feel PP is the fellow to get what needs to be done accomplished but who knows. The sad part is to do what needs to be done and I hate to say it but we will need a shit ton of mmmgrants or a piss ton of our youth to get moving. Think back to when the railroad was being built. That is what it will take to get what needs to be done done just to be competitive with the USA and to start leading again.
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@d01tg0d0wn the immigrants aren't going to do shit the second times get tough in Canada they're all going to bolt.

Hell I've been here since 2006 and came in the right way and we had to work for it but should have kind of goes really bad fuck it I'm going back to the US.

Canadians brought all this shit on themselves so I don't feel bad for them.

All Trump wants to do is a force negotiations but the current government is so fucking stupid they don't know how to negotiate.
"the way Canada is now you can't do those things for years from now"

That assumes Canada will be as it is now forever, and besides no matter how long something takes it has to have a start, so if you want it done sooner start now.

"they better fucking play ball with Trump"

I would love negotiations but you're assuming Trump wants to negotiate. We have to be ready for everything.

"the immigrants aren't going to do shit the second times get tough in Canada they're all going to bolt."

So you're saying it's not all bad news?

"All Trump wants to do is a force negotiations but the current government is so fucking stupid they don't know how to negotiate."

Somebody should tell Trump you attract more flies with honey than vinegar.
@d01tg0d0wn "A smart leader will start retooling the country to go toe to toe with Trump on energy, manufacturing, corp taxes, removing regulations, supply chain, good governance, mining, oil and gas and get that pumping fast or else."

Except you can't. That would take years, if not decades, and multiple trade deals. Too late!!

You're dealing with the largest economy in the world that's responsible for over 80%+ of your trade. You're literally a retarded and crippled version of Steve Urkel facing down Mike Tyson. You ain't shit, and you're not special for being "Canadian" and being born north of some imaginary fucking line, no matter how much the CBC tries to suck you off and tell you otherwise. You're not even in the same league as the US, fuck, you're not even the same fucking universe.

Your only option is to fall the fuck in line or suffer. That's it. Wake up.
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Any response must have priorities to keep tariffs from crushing what is left of the cdn economy (as per the statistics in the following article). PP's response must prioritize fixing the mmmmigrant issue and drugs. We can't put any weight on the interview until he addresses priorities...

DONOVAN: Canada’s intellectually bankrupt mass immigration policy https://www.westernstandard.news/op...ally-bankrupt-mass-immigration-policy-2/61550

Riley Donovan is a freelance journalist and the editor of Dominion Review

According to an Abacus poll released in October, 72% of Canadians want lower immigration — a statistical supermajority that includes a majority of voters in all four major political parties and all age groups. A Leger poll released this September found that 66% of white Canadians — and 61% of non-white Canadians — feel this way.

Talk about a consensus! Woke academics and mainstream media pundits portray immigration as a divisive issue; in fact, there are few issues on which the Canadian public is as remarkably unified as this one.

The reason for the near unanimous consensus is obvious. The negative effects of Canada’s skyrocketing population growth — 97.6% of which came directly from immigration last year — are being felt from big cities to small towns.

Housing, schools, healthcare, and social services are being put under an unprecedented degree of strain. A report on hunger in Toronto warned that food banks are buckling under increased demand, and revealed that four in five new food bank users are immigrants who have been in the country for less than five years. In the Calgary region, there are serious concerns about how to provide enough water for the seemingly endless wave of new arrivals.

There is a disjuncture between the everyday life of ordinary Canadians, in which sky-high population growth is generally understood to be one of the chief causes of our deteriorating standard of living, and the constant refrain that high immigration is needed to deal with an aging society.

Canadians of all backgrounds and walks of life are starting to look at the aging society argument with suspicion — and they are entirely right to do so.

The line goes something like this. Canada’s population is currently trending upwards in age, potentially leading to labour shortages and strains on healthcare and services down the line, so we need high immigration to bend the age curve down. It is never elaborated beyond this, but instead repeated ad nauseaum like an article of faith for good citizens to memorize.

There are many flaws — let’s start with the most obvious. Immigration is not making Canada’s population substantially younger.

It’s fair to say that Canada has had what I call mass immigration, or what might more politely be called a continuous and uninterrupted high inflow of immigrants, since Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s government departed from our historic “tap on, tap off” policy in 1990. Under then Immigration Minister Barbara McDougall, high immigration regardless of domestic economic conditions became the new norm — and has only gone up, up, up in the decades since!

It's been 34 years. How did the experiment work out? From 1967 onwards, Canada’s media age consistently increased, with this trend finally stopping in 2021. This year, the median age decreased very slightly to 40.3. The Statistics Canada document that reports this figure adds the very important caveat that even this slight downward trend is temporary “since population aging is unavoidable”.

That’s all that those 34 years of mass immigration accomplished for Canada’s age structure! If the Canadian people permit our political elite to continue this experiment for another 34 years, we can expect another exceedingly marginal median age decline — at the cost of further imploding our housing, healthcare, infrastructure, and social services.

This policy failure of epic proportion had long been foreseen in the data. A study published by the C.D. Howe Institute in 2006 titled No Elixir of Youth: Immigration Cannot Keep Canada Young concluded that annual immigration would have to be raised to a jaw-dropping 7 million to maintain Canada’s dependency ratio. Almost nobody – with the possible exception of Justin Trudeau — would support a rate that high!

Immigration is not making Canada substantially younger. But even if it were doing so, why on earth are we pursuing that goal?

The truth is that an aging society is not a crisis, but merely a transitory demographic trend reflecting the very large generational cohort that resulted from the Baby Boom of the 1950s and ‘60s. This phenomenon is found across the world, but only Western Europe and North America see it as a five-alarm-fire that needs to be counteracted through high immigration.

East Asian countries are navigating this demographic shift without opening their borders. Japan is experimenting with creative policies, including offering financial incentives to young families to move out of crowded Tokyo and revitalize depopulating villages by setting down roots in the countryside. The Japanese are also adopting cutting-edge automation techniques to replace and enhance human labour.

In other words, Japan is dealing with an aging society by using the type of long-term thinking that our political class runs from like the plague.

Like most demographic trends, an aging society is actually a mixed bag of challenges and benefits. To take just one example, Japan — which rejects almost all forms of immigration — has a much lower house-price-to-income ratio than we do.

If Canada took the pedal off immigration and let our population stabilize (or even decline for a period of time) we would reap a host of benefits — most notably, cheaper housing and reduced strain on healthcare, infrastructure, and social services. In other words, we could go back to focusing on improving quality of life instead of increasing the sheer quantity of life.

Canada’s political elite has been conducting their mass immigration experiment for 34 years. It isn’t working. Let’s try something new.

Riley Donovan is a freelance journalist and the editor of Dominion Review.
Old women in the Maritimes will be the death of us.
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Not really, since being old they'll be dead soon -- and in any event the Maritime provinces as a whole only have 8% of Canada's population. It's easy to focus on the east coast's retarded Boomers, and yes they are very retarded, but they aren't the ones deciding the outcome of federal elections
Just such a retarded Boomer woman was near me at my gym with her trainer, ranting about Trump this and the conservatives that, all the while talking about her latest vacation on her indexed civil service pension. It took all of my restraint to finish my workout and leave without telling her to shove it up her fat entitled ass.