Alberta task force recommends halt of COVID-19 vaccines in new report

Its time to end the vaccine program not just covid 19 vaxx. This data is damning

To late for my nephews. They are all vaccine damaged and will need special care their whole life because mom and dad were retards amd trusted the science
Wait what happened to them did they just take the vaccine or did they actually have bad side effects?
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My niece is a Lefty and has em on the vaxx schedule. They got vaxxed not to long ago per the schedule and now she has been complaining they are constantly crying. Docs dont know the cause of the issue yet but it sounds like its some kinda of inflammation issue. It sux as all i can do is listen to her complain and i cant say a thing. Boys are 3 and 2 years of age. No one listens to me in my family. I cant even point out that the vaxx might be behind it as she will cut me off if i do because they believe the science.

That’s brutal. I’m so sorry friend. We can only control our own thoughts and actions - everything else is outside our power, and so outside our responsibility.

It is never easy to see family Darwin themselves - worse when it’s innocent children who have no say.

Be strong for your Nephews and do what you can to be there for them as they grow up. None of this is their fault. They are victims of evil.
@d01tg0d0wn I'll be honest with you I don't give a shit what they want to hear I'd still be fucking saying it. If that means they want to fuck off and never talk to me again then so be it.

I'm not being nice to anyone or trying to meet anyone in the Middle where this shit. fuck it if they don't have to then I'm not going to.

If they can shame people for not taking a shot then I can shame them for taking a shot and being retarded.

This is what is so called conservative lose cuz it's just a bunch of fucking pussys scared of upsetting people.
@TOPDAWG its hard times right now

I am being asked by extended family why i dont go to functions or call and its because its to difficult too. They all drank the coolaid and they are continuing too.

Vaxx is bad enough but if i found out a family member was transitioning their kid then i would lose it and my wife knows it so its best to stay away.

As for my niece i will most likely distance myself from her as nothing i say or do is gonna change her and what she does to those boys. God help them is all i can say.