Bwahahahahaha ... They are getting played so hard right now its hilarious

Next Democratic President will sign over 1,500 EOs on day one. Mark my words.
Most likely but for now he is crushing them and the media is overwhelmed plus he appears to be everywhere

Rumor has it that this momentum will be 7 term plus as the left will destroy themselves completely as we have seen them already do. Wouldnt that be nice as long as this new era doesnt involve using ai / brain chips to enslave everyone of us
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Rumor has it that this momentum will be 7 term plus as the left will destroy themselves
People say this every time. When Obama won against McCain in a landslide it was "the Republicans will never win again". When Harper won a majority and the Libs were reduced to like 30 seats it was "the Libs will never win again". Four years later our dear leader Trudeau turned everything around ...

I agree, but not for the traditional reasons. Western governments are too busy spending money they don't have at record numbers, insane numbers to be honest. Add in a bajillion people from Asia and Africa and you have a sure recipe for societal collapse.

The end goal is total authoritarianism. Take a look at the UK - that country has what, maybe 20 years left? In another generation they will be rounding up and murdering the old stock Brits, because they will be the demographic majority.
You're right, Trump has set a precedent as President (that's a joke son), fuck Congress just rule with EOs and the next democratic Prez is going to do just the same, American government has fundamentally changed and no one in power will be in a hurry to change it back.
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FDR signed 3,721 executive orders. The most by far even when you factor in that he served 4 terms.

Trump signed 220 during his first term.

Biden signed 162.

Trump has signed 35 so far.

IIRC, Biden signed roughly 70 his first week in office.

It only seems like Trump has taken things to another level because the heavy focus on his orders.
@TOPDAWG None of them are laws. They're orders for the federal government specifically re: how to operate about various issues.

POTUS can't issue an EO to write a new law or to nullify an existing law.
@Hirudinea Why are you adding shit to everything I say?

You claimed that Trump is setting a new precedent. I said that's not true. That's all I said. No more, no less.

Then you come along and ask if I'm claiming that FDR didn't fundamentally change things? Like wtf where'd you pull that from?
@Hirudinea The precedent was already set. DACA exists because of an Obama executive order.

Trump held back during his first term and we see how that played out. They tried to jail him and kill him. The gloves are off whether we like it or not.