Friday January 31 is National "Boycott Tim Hortons" Day

Tim Hortons = Hemorrotons

A bunch a buffoons at the office drink the swill daily even though the office has free coffee. They might be avoiding the fuzzy sugar spoon idk.

For a while there they kept taking these rings with them wherever they go. I inquired as to what the rings were for and apparently they are for hemorrhoids. I suspect the link was the Tim Hortons coffee and i dont think i am wrong.

Any of you have hemorrhoids and drink that stuff daily?

In my opinion its best to avoid their coffee which is what i do. I have my own machine in office to bypass the gross + i save money.
What I do is make my own coffee using a french press from beans that are locally roasted which are really fresh and make excellent coffee.
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I was thinking of making a Liberal brand of coffee to feed to Liberals called Karen. The premise is simple feed beans to the office Karens and have them poo them out, collect them then dry em on their office desk. Grind them up and sell them to Starbuckets Singh Hortons for Liberals to drink.

Profit ????