Insert -> puke sounds. Warning reading this might make you puke.

If i were a j6 prisoner and i got out and knew / learned of someone who sold me out i would make sure that person didnt sleep well for the same amount of time i was locked up as well as impose some equal treatment
What if it were a family member? I remember a story that a Stasi agent was ordered to marry someone under surveillance, and he stayed married to her until the end of East Germany, imagine that?
@Hirudinea yikes .. my family abandoned me already cause i didnt get the passport thus i wasnt vaxxed.

They want the passport to return so the unvaxxed wont be able to go where they go

They will get theirs i dont have to do anything but i wish it wasnt the case

Perhaps leaving it to God is better then dealing with it myself as he appears to be handling my enemies just fine