Alleged crime boss linked to 40 arsons arrested in the UAE. Did they whitewash his picture to make him appear white???


Based Member


The alleged head of a criminal group responsible for extortions, shootings and arsons in Edmonton has been arrested.
This person is facing extradition from the UAE to Canada to face justice in our courts which will result in him most likely getting released here and the government giving him 10 million dollars. This fellow terrorized Edmonton for months and I am glad this issue appears to be solved however he wont be the last one to do this as more copy cats are most likely going to take his place.

more here if your interested to know more

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facing extradition from the UAE to Canada
"Ok then, so your sentence is five and a half months, the last thing anyone wants is for you to be deported, so-"
Bailiff whispers in judges ear
"Oh gosh, really? ok then, well, the judgement stands. And don't be getting up to trouble again, ok? Thanks. Next on the docket, a... mister Singh? Please come forward."
Entire room stands
"Oh gosh..."