Premier Smith was the only premier not to sign a joint communique after trudy's tariff risk meeting.


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Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is firing back over Ottawa's willingness to use Western oil and gas as a bargaining chip in a potential trade war with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.

Trump has threatened a 25% tariff on Canadian goods unless Canada remedies its border security problems.

On Wednesday, Justin held a meeting with Canadian premiers to discuss strategy in a potential trade war. Alberta oil and gas were on the table in terms of bargaining with President Trump in a future dispute.

During a press conference Trudeau refused to rule out using energy as a bargaining chip.

"Federal government officials continue to publicly and privately float the idea of cutting off energy supply to the U.S. and imposing export tariffs on Alberta energy and other products to the United States," said Smith in a statement.

"Until these threats cease, Alberta will not be able to fully support the federal government’s plan in dealing with the threatened tariffs. Alberta will simply not agree to export tariffs on our energy or other products, nor do we support a ban on exports of these same products."

Smith was the only premier not to sign a joint communique after the meeting.

... evidently the other politicians in canada has no regard for canadians wanting secure borders and are geared up to further wreck the canadian economy for a totally unnecessary dispute... Thank God Smith is standing up for Albertans!! We need to get away from the ongoing tyranny as fast as possible... this sets up well for Alberta to become the 51st state!
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It shows who the traitors are. Fook the commies of this nation. Imagine the only profitable province would say no to the losers in charge of their provinces.

Alberta needs to seperate
this sets up well for Alberta to become the 51st state!

Are you sure that's what you want? Don't get me wrong, I have much contempt for the feds in Ottawa, but that feels like going from the frying pan into the fire.
I look forward to shooting my way out of communism as opposed to boiling in the pot with the rest of the frogs.

If Canada wants to be gay then fook em
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No, if you complain you'd be under occupied territory. The naiveté of some people on this forum about Americans astounds me no end, you know the details of every conspiracy but you still think America is a heaven on earth, how can heaven be run by demons? And no Trump is not the Messiah, despite what his supporters say. If the Americans ever take Canada, and I pray they don't, I hope you're the ones put up against the wall first to save you the pain of realizing just how wrong you were.
@Hirudinea: Given the low average moral and intellectual calibre of the average American soldier, in the event of any US invasion Canadians would be well-advised to hide both their womenfolk and their valuables. It's not as if those troops behaved particularly well as an occupying power in Vietnam or Iraq, after all
Why the fuck is ford running his mouth so much on PM's dipshit behalf? It's like he is his god damn spokesman. He is a dumb fuck or man they got a lot of drat on him telling him kiss the tip of Justin's dick.

God damn Canada fix your god damn borders it's not hard. Funny how they refuse to do it.
Being against being the 51st state (except here for some reason) is pretty popular, Doug is going to have an election on it pretty soon so he's gotta get his mileage.
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@Hirudinea Anything can happen... All a lot more difficult with the largest military in the world with a thumb on the scale

You have all the tells of someone that doesn't want a union with the USA for any province but also see that solutions are challenging at best with the formerly free canada...
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From the looks of it we are already a third world country. Free for all third world mass migration.

If unemployment were to double it will be old stock laid off. I would also say we will not deport 'temp' foreign workers either if that happened,

We will be on the Maduro diet when economy collapses and fighting the third world for ducks, and geese at the local duck pond and probably pigeons and seagulls as well....
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I've been thinking about that and maybe it would be a blessing in disguise. People are still pretty comfortable but when they are out of a job and lining up at the foodbanks and see pakis with jobs (even slinging donuts) I think that they may become receptive to our talk of sending immigrants back. It's happened before, the Nazi's were most popular in Germany during hyperinflation and the depression. If shit goes bad then I will be the first saying "Canadians First" and "They must go back". I hope you'll all join me.
Do we have a choice?
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Scott Moe signed this? Fuck Scott Moe!!!
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It's all fake tough guy bullshit. Pretty much Trump has really showed Canada ain't shit on the world stage and now Canadians want to push back like they can actually do something or even matter.
Government employees want to "stand up to the bully" they will never miss a paycheck as they destroy the ability of everyone else to make a living, all while self righteously calling people traitor for not wrapping themselves in the flag and cheering on their own economic destruction. It's real easy to put someone else's money where your mouth is.

This country cannot survive its elected officials and public sector union members. Always shielding themselves from the consequences of the actions they foist on others.
Trump has done more for Canadian unity in 2 months than what Trudeau has destroyed in 10 years.

I hate to say this cuz it would affect me too. I'm to the point I fucking hope Trump does the fucking tariffs. Canadians have had their heads up their ass they've elected two fucking idiots for fucking 10 God damn years maybe it's time for a tough wake up call.

You'll see how loyal the so called Indians and other fucking so-called immigrants are and how much they care about Canada. Once those free programs dry up they'll fucking bail so quick . I'm sorry but to many Canadians are a bunch of entitled fucking pricks who want the so called free government services.

I'm starting to get like a few people on here I'm to the point like fuck it let it God damn fail and then we can rebuild. You can bet your ass it's going to be the homegrown Canadians who rebuild not to fucking stupid leeches that they let into the country.
The country is in a serious predicament. We are in no position to defend against a trade war. To annex the entire country would be an easy sell to the US citizens; just bringing up our mooching on their military, trade deficits, porous border policy, harbouring terrorists…and at this critical time period no one is home! If Trump is serious then we are fucked as a nation and no one is coming to help.
I think President Trump is offering a win win to get us out of our predicament! carney is going to be coronated... mini meat will go back on his "word" again... like the ukraine if I had to bet they will declare an emergency and cancel elections... even if that did not happen we are left very worried that pp might be uniparty!

Alberta needs to become the 51st state toot sweet! If some of canada comes along or not, so be it.
Everybody says this but what makes any of you think Alberta would ever be a state? You'd be Deigo Garcia with snow if you were incredibly lucky. Not only doesn't the states give a fuck about Alberta I doubt 9 out of 10 Americans even know what an Alberta is. (Hell most of the nigs probably think Alberta is an aunt!)
Ah yes, the brain trust, ready to shut off the taps to the Americans. Meanwhile this is reality


All the Canadian oil that the refineries in Sarnia and Montreal process into fuel comes from Enbridge lines 3 and 5, with line 3 taking Canadian oil across the border to Superior Wisconsin, and line 5 taking oil from Superior to Sarnia. Line 9 (not on the map) then takes oil north from Sarnia to Montreal.

Closing the taps to hurt the Americans would cripple Canada.
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This is going to be funny as fuck if Trump does it. Funny how everyone forgot Trump said, "Fix the borders, stop the drug flow, and everything is good." Would he keep his word? Who knows, but it seems Canada is like, "Fuck, now we like illegal people and items."

I hope he does it. I've had enough of this shit. Fuck the other premiers and other Canadians who said Alberta should stop the energy flow after saying Albertans are just dumb rednecks and trying to kill our energy for years. Fuck you little bitches—you get everything you goddamn deserve.