USA hospitals are not any better. You can find plenty horror stories down there specially as the entire industry is captured by insurance and pharmaceutical corporations.
Sorry, but that's not true. I have two parents, one is alive, the other is deceased. Both had serious illnesses. One had surgery in Canada, the other in the USA. Take a guess which one is still alive.
You can argue it's anecdotal, but I was part of both experiences and they were night and day with regards to assessment, patient care, followup, and so-on.
I am not saying there is no corruption or malpractice in US hospitals. I accept reality. However there are some key differences between taking the public route in Canada and the private route in the US.
In Canada: a patient is a drain on the system, therefore there is no incentive to take care of them. The government funds the institution.
In the USA: a patient (who is purchasing healthcare services) is a customer and as such, there is some incentive to serve the customer. The procedure one of my parents needed to stay alive wasn't even offered in Canada, the USA was our only option (So the fact that more options are available state-side makes their system better)
In Canada: I have to wait until a government approved doctor is available and taking patients:
In the USA: I can go to a clinic and pay for a doctor like any other product or service (what a concept!)
My main point is this: We have been conditioned by institutions up here to believe that access to healthcare and quality of healthcare is better because we remove the profitability incentive and the services are instead managed by the altruism of the government health institutions. We are also conditioned to believe that access to healthcare in the US is completely unaffordable and unsustainable because the prices set are too high for anyone to reasonably pay.
While there may be some nuggets of truth in this, I have to hammer home the point that without freedom of choice, the probability of a quality option existing for anyone looking for a product or service is severely reduced.
The US system allows for this choice. Canada (with a few exceptions) does not.
This is why I advocate for a private option up here as well. If I have money and I am sick I would rather spend my money here than the USA. However the government doesn't allow me to do that for the most part.