PSA for people who's adblock for youtube got disabled today


Based Member
Youtube had an update today that disabled youtube adblock for some Brave browser users. If you are logged into youtube and you get the message that your adblock is disabled follow these steps (courtesy Brave subreddit):

  1. Logout from YouTube
  2. Close all your browser tabs.
  3. Open a new tab and go to brave://components and click check for updates for all components. Make sure the components are all updated.
  4. In Brave's Settings > Privacy and security
  5. Click on Site and Shields Settings
  6. Click on View permissions and data stored across sites
  7. Search for google and delete all cookies related to google
  8. Search for youtube and delete all cookies related to youtube
  9. Close and reopen your brave browser.
  10. Login to youtube again. You are good to go.

This worked for me after trying different adblocks for an hour and looking around for a fix.
Upvote 14
we need nitter for youtube!

Brave Browser is still working for me so far and you know they will find away to keep us watchiing youtube ad free. Make sure you go to help -> about Brave and update

brave browser nightly on my phone works great. Get fdroid and then get ffupdater. I get all updates as soon as they are made next day and i stay one step ahead of any issues