'We'll never be the 51st state,' Premier Ford says following Trump’s latest jab


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Doug is already Trumps bitch.

Technically we already are and everyone can see it. Doug needs to walk away and let a more competent leader step forward?

Secure the border you dumbass its not hard
Upvote 26
Too bad he didn’t go to Mar-a-Lago today, Dougie could have had dinner with Trump and Bezos.
Ontario can fuck off and I don't give a fuck what that fat bastard says! YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR ME!
If Doug was competent his province wouldnt be so heavily in debt. Honestly who does he think he is. He isnt in a position of strength yet he seems to feel he is? Trump isnt wasting his time with him thats how important he is. In fact Trump has nothing to say to him at all and could easily do so at a moments notice that is how unimportant Doug is.
He's right.

We'll be broken up into more than a dozen states.
You are correct. Canada, as a whole, wouldn't be the 51st state but, Ontario could be the 51st, the 63rd or anywhere in between the two. That is assuming that the provinces and territories are kept as is and simply turned into states, without any merging together to form a larger state. Also, there might be provinces or territories that may want to opt out of joining the USA, Quebec being the most likely.
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We already became a province of india a few years back. Doesn't seem to bother liberals nearly as much as the idea of joining America. Simple fact is that everyday an immigrant kills a bunch of people while in a high speed chase after robbing an LCBO and all he gets is probation and zero consequences for his immigration status another group of Canadians says "fuck this place"

Canada doesn't need to be defended from Americans it needs to be defended from retard liberals. They are only now realizing that rallying the people to defend a country is next to impossible when it is a racist settler state on stolen land and you should all be ashamed of your ancestors because we are post national now you unenlightened rubes.

Canada is very much in danger of not existing in the future and the blame is at the feet of left wing liberals and their two faced pretend philosophy of anti racist DEI we love everybody (exception being white men) borders are wrong unless Donald Trump brings it up bullshit.

Joining America is worth it just to see our institutions put to bed.