Pehpeh Approves Pehpeh appreciation thread

I've just graduated from the Freecanada training program to be able to create threads, so I wanted to use it to say how much I appreciate the Pehpeh drawings. Honestly, they're all great, whoever made them did a great job! But if I had to pick this is probably my favorite:
(my reaction whenever I accidentally open a CBC or a Toronto Star article)

Also this one, I don't know if that still counts as Pehpeh:

What's your favorite?
Upvote 20
Welcome aboard.


You're probation was unintended friendly fire, aimed at a trouble maker we had here making new accounts frequently for a while.

To answer your question, the Pehpehs, and Frens Of Pehepeh (i.e., other Canadian animal Pepes), were created by many different artists via commission, however, there were three artists in particular whom created most of them.

A lady from Russia created most of the Pehpehs:


A man from Russia created most of our Frens Of Pehpehs:


And a lady from Peru created a few of each, as well as some miscellaneous Pepes:


Worth mentioning, the first Pehepeh was created by @MaximumBernier , and all the others used a few of the key design elements from it:

Pehpeh original 120H.jpeg

(The little pin says, re-sized the Pehpeh to not blow up the size of this post)

The Russian lady's take on that one:

WTF Pehpeh 120.png

Also, @Daru has made many Pehpehs via an AI Generator which he trained.

A thread containing the ones he initially made:
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I've just graduated from the Freecanada training program to be able to create threads, so I wanted to use it to say how much I appreciate the Pehpeh drawings. Honestly, they're all great, whoever made them did a great job! But if I had to pick this is probably my favorite:
(my reaction whenever I accidentally open a CBC or a Toronto Star article)

Also this one, I don't know if that still counts as Pehpeh:

What's your favorite?
Yes, we have an enviable menagerie.
It's funny because they are just a Canadian knockoff. It's Pepe the Frog with brown skin and snout pasted on. They are extremely easy to make.

I do like the change though. They should have rounded the head to make them look more like mammals instead of frogs.

@Daru made a ton of cool A.I. generated ones.

I've had fun playing around with them over the years.

Peh Peh Beer Girl-Blonde.png
Canada is definitely home of the Beaver faced girls. Have you been up north? They are much rounder up there also.
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They should have rounded the head to make them look more like mammals instead of frogs.
I tend to agree, however, when we tested out that design, most of the feedback was to stick with the original Pepe-head-like design.

Here are the examples:
PehpehPsyopRed_112.png vs. Red Psy Op Pehpeh 112.png

And here's a full-body Beaver Pehpeh with a more realistic beaver-like design for his head:

Full body pehpeh  112H.png

My hunch is people got used to the original Pepe-like design, though perhaps there were other factors as to why the frog-head-like design was favoured.