You have to understand. Inflation is never going to ‘get better’.
All inflation is an inevitable slog toward an exponential curve. As the fiat currency it represents gradually and inevitably loses all value. Not just CAD but the USD it is based on. We don’t even have gold anymore.
So really; it will only get worse. Much worse. Wages will decline proportionate to costs until more and more people are literally homeless as a result.
We are approaching an international economic collapse which will make the Great Depression look like a late paycheque. That’s not hyperbole, that’s fact; inescapable reality of any and all fiat currency systems - they all inevitably go to zero and on the way they undergo an exponential curve of value loss.
Those who realize and accept this, adapting themselves, their home life, their budget, their job and their goals - may endure. Those who don’t will find themselves falling into deeper economic woes.