The gay in Alberta are losing their minds. The left are demons. UPDATE: its happening and they cant stop it


Based Member

The left will not mutilate children, the left will stop grooming kids, the left will play sports via their biology and not their mental illness


Suck it demons
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Hey, if the notwithstanding clause is good for banning English in Quebec, it's good enough to ban irreversible elective procedures on minors.
It's in the Constitution son.
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@Hirudinea Did they? You're going on the assumption that Canadas elections are transparent and fair, free from foreign interference. Montreal isn't the whole of the province, but it does have a lot to answer for. Like Toronto, but in French.
I'm in Thailand right now and there are lots of gays here but they just aren't woke or give damn about politics. They just do their gay thing and mind their own business so they don't bother me at all.
You might want to exercise caution when picking up any "women", though
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The left will not mutilate children, the left will stop grooming kids, the left will play sports via their biology and not their mental illness


Suck it demons
The two organizations argue in court documents that changes to health law violate gender-diverse young people's Section 7 Charter right to security of the person, their Section 12 right to be free from cruel and unusual treatment and their Section 15 right to equality.
  • "You have to wait until you're 18 to cut off your tits."
  • "That's cruel and unusual punishment reeeee"
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The left will not mutilate children, the left will stop grooming kids, the left will play sports via their biology and not their mental illness


Suck it demons
d01tg0d0wnI imagine "the gay" being a big abomination like the Borg.