Announcement Some House Cleaning, part 2

For FCW community announcements

Deleted member 9

This is going to be a bit of a lengthy post, a summary will be at the bottom.

Long version:
Back in this past mid-to-late summer, we took care of three separate accounts whom were acting in destructive ways towards our community + against the values of FCW (e.g., for example, one being pro-pedo).

See here for more details on that:

During that time, the most subversive of those three continually made new accounts to try to cause further damage, and when we limited those options of his by adjusting our mod tactics (e.g., restricting new registrations, restricting post permissions of new members), he began rotating through "sleeper accounts" of sorts (e.g., ones he had used briefly before + had abandoned, and had now began using them again to bypass the new restrictions). Eventually that fizzled off, presumably after we had eliminated most of his alt accounts after he revealed them.

With that said, it has been nearly four months, and this person has been persistent in creating new accounts while trying to fly under the radar more.

This has led to those intended temporary mod tactics remaining in place.

He has continually adjusted after each ban, to take advantage of some aspects of our mod tenancies and thus to have his new accounts last for longer before being banned.

So, a change in mod tactics are going to be taken against him now, and this has the potential to unintentionally effect community members whom are not him.

Hence part of the motivation for this thread.

Adjustment #1:
More restrictive on whom we approve for new accounts.

For most of these four months, the extra measure of requiring mod approval for new accounts has served a few purposes in regards to taking more effective action against the person in question.

However, it hasn't been enough, he has continued to make it through the approval process and play as a sleeper subversive thereafter.

Adjustment #2:
Quicker mod action against him.

This will likely be limited to newer accounts, i.e., ones more likely to be him.

I rather not elaborate on this one too much, to slow the rate of his adjustments against our mod actions.

This change in mod tactic could result in some unintentional "friendly fire".

If you happen to be someone whom gets caught up in that, our apologies, just make a new account, and ideally post in this thread (tagging me or another mod) if you would like to dispute the ban.

Adjustment #3:
Many people in our FCW community have picked up on his patterns, and have commented on such whenever we publicly ban him again.

The mods cannot see everything, and so this is a request for people to begin using the "report" button again when they believe the (new) member might be the one described in this thread.

The ban might not be within the day or two of your report, but, it will help speed up the process of dealing with the person (provided you had correctly identified him as the person in question).

We've probably already banned most of his sleeper alt accounts, so, you are most likely to see him again as a new member, having the yellow-orange "new member" tag near their username.

With that said, not every "new member" will be him, so please be mindful of this.

Addressing a possible question about this
Some members might wonder "why are such measures being taken against him?", the general answer to that ties back to what was alluded to in the first non-summary-related sentence of this post, and, the first sentence of the original post from August 2024.

Expanding on that general statement, he's deemed a serious enough threat to the FCW community to warrant such actions.

i.e., The cost of allowing him to continue as is likely exceeds the potential costs of these more aggressive mod tactics.

And being more specific, he's the one whom has made thinly veiled in-person threats against one of our members.

I'm highly doubtful that he's a good-faith actor, in fact, I believe it's more likely than not that he's here with the intention to cause damage to our community.

In the off chance that he is a good-faith actor, well, some people have destructive personalities that don't mesh well with communities such as FCW, and in which case, impact >> intentions.

A closing remark
It wouldn't be out of character for him to try to weaponize this mod-meta-thread against us, to try to cause further destruction.

He has used that tactic many times in the past, though, more recently he's been trying his hand at trying to keep a lower profile.

Given the new actions being taken against him, I wouldn't be surprised if he begins trying to be more overtly destructive with his actions again.

For anyone whom isn't too familiar with him, or, have forgotten this about him, he has a rather manipulative side to him, and has a tenancy to use gas-lighting tactics in these types of situations. Expect that and be on the look out for it.

Shorter version:
A person whom is both subversive and destructive has been lingering around for nearly four months after his initial ban (for this iteration of his presence, anyways ... he was here years ago as well). He has continually adjusted in effort to not have his new alts banned. Our current mod tactics have been insufficient in dealing with him, and so we are going to be more aggressive in our mod tactics to that end. This could result in some unintended collateral damage (i.e., you might mistakenly get banned if you are using a new account), in which case, create a new account and dispute the ban (or continue on with the new account as is). If you are familiar with the person whom we are aiming to take action again, then please do help by reporting him when you believe a new account is reasonably likely to be him.
we are literally living in a persons head rent free. I hope they dream FCW dreams. Hahaha

we will smoke em out
The nerve of some peoples children. Take spankings away and look at the unruly behavior you get.
I never spanked mine and they are awesome kids. The key is to actually find a system of discipline and stick to it. Households that will not correct children at all are at fault for the issues we face im my opinion.

My kids when they were little simply sat for the length of their age on the stairs of our home if they did wrong. They could not leave until the time was up. They then needed to explain what they did wrong and to then give the person a hug if it affected a person and to make sure they conveyed they were sorry and meant it.Rinse and repeat. By the time they were 5 they rarely even needed to sit on the stairs. I now have teenagers where people compliment them for being so well mannered. They hold doors for ppl especially ladies and the elderly. They are helpful. They have excellent self control are humble and polite. I feel that this is a result of how i chose to discipline them.

My kids were always taught to think about all they do and use logic and reason to over come challenges even personal challenges of their self. I was raised violently so this is what i chose as i never wished once to do to others what was done to me.
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Are you going to tell us who this person is so we can all be vigilant? I come here primarily to shitpost and avoid all e-drama, so I have no idea who you're referring to.
Sure, I can do that.

However, it's worth noting that he's changed accounts so often that his account name might not have much name-recognition.

To answer your question.

His original re-appearance on FCW some time ago likely began with an account named "Ergot".

For several months, leading up to his initial ban this year, he frequently purged his account and started over with a new account name.

The account name he had when he was finally initially banned this summer was "toplek".

Since his initial ban in late-July/early-August 2024, he has rotated through many other accounts, some of which include:
Quartz, Decima, & SimpleFed.

(Those are accounts which off-hand I recall having lasted longer before being banned again, and hence might have more name-recognition).

Going by usernames likely won't be that effective of a way to recognize him, rather, by other characteristics of him that you could pick up on given enough time of observation + interaction.
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Strange, and thank you.

Perhaps “new users” could be restricted to a “general” thread section that is quarantined from everything else until such time the user could be proven to be genuine.
That's part of what has already been done with new member account restrictions.

It helps, but aside from completely restricting the new members to sub-forums that have less traffic (akin to our old "penalty box"), there's not much more that can be done with it.

And putting them in a penalty box would be discouraging for actual good-faith new members.
Only one I kinda recognize in that list was simplefed if that's their persona it's pretty easy to figure them out then heh, they weren't the brightest when posting.

Thanks for the heads up.
I didn't read it all but is it ham sandwich? lol
My interaction with Ham was limited, but I would think not.

I don't have personal experience with the persona from Meta/Omega known as "Harvo", but I've heard that Harvo had similar tactics as "Ergot". Cannot say whether there's actually a connection there or not.
My interactions with both were extensive. I’m 99% sure it’s not Ham. Harvo is a possibility that I’d dismiss only because what kind of loser would spend a decade being a steadfast troll ? Any reasoning for that escapes my narrow world view, which doesn’t disqualify it.
I think that’s too much effort. Running a forum opens a can of worms and the user is responsible for their security. You have a problem only if CP gets uploaded and there’s free services which detect, block and log it.
thinly veiled in-person threats against one of our members.
The victim should file police a report for criminal harassment or threats.
I think that’s too much effort.
Disagree, being as hands off as we have is what has allowed him to persist.

Also, it won't take much of a change of effort for the mods to make Adjustment #1 or #2, it's just a re-orientation of current decision making when it comes to mod policy.

As for Adjustment #3, that's optional on the part of any non-mod member whom wants to pitch in.

I don't imagine it would be much effort, because several people have already recognized his pattern and comment on such, so, the request would be an adjustment for them to also "report" the member.

Considering and writing out this thread might end up being the largest effort in one sitting that will be needed for this.

Running a forum opens a can of worms and the user is responsible for their security.

You have a problem only if CP gets uploaded and there’s free services which detect, block and log it.
Disagree again, CP is just one of many problems that can arise.

The victim should file police a report for criminal harassment or threats.
Not a bad idea, however, the aggressor would probably have enough plausible deniability in a legal system for it to amount to anything.

Couple that with the fact that the person threatened is "right wing", why would modern law enforcement want to help?
This is going to be a bit of a lengthy post, a summary will be at the bottom.

Long version:
Back in this past mid-to-last summer, we took care of three separate accounts whom were acting in destructive ways towards our community + against the values of FCW (e.g., for example, one being pro-pedo).

See here for more details on that:

During that time, the most subversive of those three continually made new accounts to try to cause further damage, and when we limited those options of his by adjusting our mod tactics (e.g., restricting new registrations, restricting post permissions of new members), he began rotating through "sleeper accounts" of sorts (e.g., ones he had used briefly before + had abandoned, and had now began using them again to bypass the new restrictions). Eventually that fizzed off, presumably after we had eliminated most of his alt accounts after he revealed them.

With that said, it has been nearly four months, and this person has been persistent in creating new accounts while trying to fly under the radar more.

This has led to those intended temporary mod tactics remaining in place.

He has continually adjusted after each ban, to take advantage of some aspects of our mod tenancies and thus to have his new accounts last for longer before being banned.

So, a change in mod tactics are going to be taken against him now, and this has the potential to unintentionally effect community members whom are not him.

Hence part of the motivation for this thread.

Adjustment #1:
More restrictive on whom we approve for new accounts.

For most of these four months, the extra measure of requiring mod approval for new accounts has served a few purposes in regards to taking more effective action the person in question.

However, it hasn't been enough, he has continued to make it through the approval process and play as a sleeper subversive thereafter.

Adjustment #2:
Quicker mod action against him.

This will likely be limited to newer accounts, i.e., ones more likely to be him.

I rather not elaborate on this one too much, to slow the rate of his adjustments against our mod actions.

This change in mod tactic could result in some unintentional "friendly fire".

If you happen to be someone whom gets caught up in that, our apologies, just make a new account, and ideally post in this thread (tagging me or another mod) if you would like to dispute the ban.

Adjustment #3:
Many people in our FCW community have picked up on his patterns, and have commented on such whenever we publicly ban him again.

The mods cannot see everything, and so this is a request for people to begin using the "report" button again when they believe the (new) member might be the one described in this thread.

The ban might not be within the day or two of your report, but, it will help speed up the process of dealing with the person (provided you had correctly identified him as the person in question).

We've probably already banned most of his sleeper alt accounts, so, you are most likely to see him again as a new member, having the yellow-orange "new member" tag near their username.

With that said, not every "new member" will be him, so please be mindful of this.

Addressing a possible question about this
Some members might wonder "why are such measures being taken against him?", the general answer to that ties back to what was alluded to in the first non-summary-related sentence of this post, and, the first sentence of the original post from August 2024.

Expanding on that general statement, he's deemed a serious enough threat to the FCW community to warrant such actions.

i.e., The cost of allowing him to continue as is likely exceeds the potential costs of these more aggressive mod tactics.

And being more specific, he's the one whom has made thinly veiled in-person threats against one of our members.

I'm highly doubtful that he's a good-faith actor, in fact, I believe it's more likely than not that he's here with the intention to cause damage to our community.

In the off chance that he is a good-faith actor, well, some people have destructive personalities that don't mesh well with communities such as FCW, and in which case, impact >> intentions.

A closing remark
It wouldn't be out of character for him to try to weaponize this mod-meta-thread against us, to try to cause further destruction.

He has used that tactic many times in the past, though, more recently he's been trying his hand at trying to keep a lower profile.

Given the new actions being taken against him, I wouldn't be surprised if he began trying to be more overtly destructive with his actions again.

For anyone whom isn't too familiar with him, or, have forgotten this about him, he has a rather manipulative side to him, and has a tenancy to use gas-lighting tactics in these types of situations. Expect that and be on the look out for it.

Shorter version:
A person whom is both subversive and destructive has been lingering around for nearly four months after his initial ban (for this iteration of his presence, anyways ... he was here years ago as well). He has continually adjusted in effort to not have his new alts banned. Our current mod tactics have been insufficient in dealing with him, and so we are going to be more aggressive in our mod tactics to that end. This could result in some unintended collateral damage (i.e., you might mistakenly get banned if you are using a new account), in which case, create a new account and dispute the ban (or continue on with the new account as is). If you are familiar with the person whom we are aiming to take action again, then please do help by reporting him when you believe a new account is reasonably likely to be him.
The Conservationist
This does seem like a tactic a Fed would use to tax the board, either way it's an irritant to the whole community or the mods. Keep up the good work, if he's not a fed hopefully he'll get tired, and if he is a fed hopefully you'll get a break while he's off for his "reassignment" surgery.
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Might not be a fed but what i consider alt left. They like to say they are alt right or right but we know better

How to define

Hates women, extreme women hate
Wish for only white people to exist
Pretend nationalist or extreme nationalist
Hides by ideals saying these are alt right ideals
Uses chat gpt to argue
Antifa ideals
Tries to appear more intelligent then they are
Posses an Economic degree (heh)
Uses divide and conquer strategies
High understanding of history, historical geopolitical issues, social economic issues, current geopolitical issues, social economic issues
Extreme TDS
Extreme reactions to Q and Qanon
Distorts current events and facts
Spreads semi truthful disinformation i e twisting a fact here and there to sow doubt
Emotional, lonely, sad or depressed
Most likely in a room of other retards trying to all figure out how to battle us
Probably trans or considering trans surgery
Pro pedophilia i.e travels and brags about going to places where child sex in an issue. Likes underage anime and all sorts of unspeakable garbage the www tries to get away with
Hates God and righteous ideals
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@Hirudinea one additional thing i forgot it that the fed / alt left want to Justify what they are pushing for i.e hate speech laws

This is why they use women hate to the extreme. They want us to ban them for hate speech.

They also want us to justify violence, other

Think of what is waiting in the halls of power i.e bills they are trying to pass.

They think they are crafty. We are way more crafty

Resistance to these devil worshipping tyrants is obedience to God. Their head games wont work here. We shall win.
This does seem like a tactic a Fed would use to tax the board, either way it's an irritant to the whole community or the mods
That's a good way to put it, a 'tax'.
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Whatever happened to Tseilitev? Probably a different person, but I recall they stirred the pot quite a bit on this forum for a few months, especially because they had a negative, condescending attitude towards women
Tsel is the one who went pro-pedo and got banned around the same time as the guy whom this thread is about (i.e., Ergot), back in July 2024.

Ergot and Tsel were the main duo driving the heavier anti-woman sentiment during the time which you refer to, with each of them having different flavours to their approaches in doing so + building off of each other. I also wouldn't be surprised if they were the same person playing as different personas, though Tsel and Ergot could have been distinct people.

It's not a coincidence that when you came back recently that the person I'm referring to as "Ergot" decided to post the same type of anti-women sentiments again on your thread. That's a few of his MO's wrapped into one action. Destructive in nature.
@The Conservationist

Lulz he was the one I told Id kick his ass if I ever met him in person.

Dont think hes alt left I actually think hes a /pol user. Especially the way buddy talked. Just lost and angry inside. Pro pedo shit I can’t say unless both those idiots are from /b then it all makes sense.
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I vaguely remember that.

Don't know what /b is.

As for Tsel and the pro-pedo angle, his position stemmed from the white-identity politics he often expressed. It went roughly like this:

"The rape of women and children is okay, as long as they are non-white" - Tsel, July 2024, paraphrased from memory.

i.e., Dehumantization of non-white people.

He was banned for this.

Leading up to that, he had been getting "edgier" for a while.
@The Conservationist

/b is like a kaleidoscope of mental midgets who once in awhile coalesce into something meaningful then dissolve into edgy bullshit threads. These guys front run pedo shit as an act to try and scare normal people from becoming interested in what they are talking about. Its usually an absolute mess of a board, but I can spot these users a mile away just from how they act on boards.

Truly people who say that shit would never have the guts to act out in real life, and they are prime tgts for actual agents to incriminate. Kinda like a bunch of people running from a bear and the stupid one doesn’t make it.
Good to know, thank you.

Doesn't really sound like that fits Tsel when it comes to the pro-pedo stuff.
The term “Fed” is usually considered a reference to a federal agent. I’ve always been more inclined to believe it should apply to a low level staffer of the PMO, or something adjacent to it. We live under a government hellbent on censorship, with an inexplicably large number of employees. I won’t grace them with the term “agent provocateur”, because their crippling vanity would probably get off on it, but they are ubiquitous across much of the internet and we’d be doing ourselves a disservice if we threw that possibility aside.
has made thinly veiled in-person threats against one of our members
Being a fedposting edgelord with no social skills and an inability to regulate to your schizophrenia is one thing.
Taking your autism into meatspace is just weapons-grade retardation.
This takes him from an annoyance to a tangible threat.

Reality isn't like your Peruvian cave-art enthusiast forum.
Seek help. Up your meds. Touch grass. Get your dick wet.
This takes him from an annoyance to a tangible threat.
Yup, it's a destructive force.

Enough of his actions point to an intent to cause damage.
Remember, the RCMP has publicly stated as recently as a month ago that they were continuously attempting to infiltrate what they called "online white supremacist groups". Since there are no actual White supremacist groups in Canada, its clear they are talking about any pro-freedom groups, patriot groups or MAGA groups.

I think its WAY more likely that RCMP commies would post subversive content or promote criminal activities on FC.W, instead of just one random guy doing it out of boredom or whatever.
I think its WAY more likely that RCMP commies would post subversive content or promote criminal activities on FC.W, instead of just one random guy doing it out of boredom or whatever.

If he is a lone wolf, my guess would be he would either has some significant mental health issues, and/or, is a "Canadian anti-hate network" type of Leftist.
Ahh the RCMP trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. Tick tok your precious fuckwit leader is gonna get booted, then what? Back to real work dickheads.
Interesting. I'm literally no help becuase i very rarely remember negative influence usernames. I tend to only remember people i admire. Annoying people get quicky forgottten.

I'd also just like to say that i'm sorry I never fixed my "old account" issue. You told me how to fix it and I completely flaked out and was so lazy I never even tried. I'm sorry to waste your time. Apologies.

I hope that annoying things like this give you a karma so that something nice happens to you in return. All the best.
I'd also just like to say that i'm sorry I never fixed my "old account" issue. You told me how to fix it and I completely flaked out and was so lazy I never even tried. I'm sorry to waste your time. Apologies.
No apology needed, was meaning to help you recover your old account if you wanted it.

Your choice whether you stick with your current account or return to the old one.
This thread makes me ponder again what an actual FCW ‘meatspace’ meetup would be like.

Sounds like some folks are already having them. Guess my invite is caught up in the postal strike.
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I get treated like a troll but I'm like 90% sincere in my comments. I've been in certain moods though I'll admit