I look at things with a pragmatic viewpoint. I have informed those I care to remain in contact with that this website is a waste of money. Only to be informed that to keep this server running is on the cheap end. So I get it. It costs little and offers up something.
Quite frankly. I'm the asshole here calling all of you retards. Yes, you're all retarded. You're Canadian, aren't you? Then you're a fucking retard. Enjoy that. Doesn't matter what you vote for or how you live, you're a fucking retard. Canada needs to be annexed, plain and simple. None of you retards have the will to fix actual problems and would rather bitch and complain like women instead of doing what needs to be done.
So yes, fuck Canada. Fuck all of you. And fuck the whining and complaining. Meanwhile, your women are being raped by niggers and jeets. But hey, this website lets you complain about it. I guess. Hilarious, really.
In conclusion, it may just be basic amounts. But this website should be put to bed. We are well beyond complaining about problems. But that is the Canadian way. Politely complain but do nothing else. How's that trucker convoy working? Good, yeah? That's great. The only people that can contribute are the ones who are silent and actually doing shit. An online message board does nothing. It's not 2020 anymore, morons.
Oh and if the ever shrinking mod table could stop sucking jew cock, that would be optimal. But unfortunately, trained monkeys can only fall back upon experience. And sucking cock, is their expertise. Don't you go bashing none of them jews now. Wouldn't want to be offensive. Oh, hi mods! So sorry that I bashed your beloved kike overlords. I hope you're the first ones in the fire. Love you, too!
You're all monkeys. Dance for my amusement, goofs.