Discussion Why is the Canadian trucking industry dominated by pajeets?


Fear and Loathing in Queerbec
Ça va mal en criss
Every time I see an out-of-province plate, it's a jeet driving the truck. Some of the trucks are also flamboyantly decorated with Sikh symbols and imagery.

I was leaving work at 0200 or so when one of them stopped me at the gate. Orange turban, bangle with AK-47 motifs, the whole shebang. A filthy, disgusting brown stain of a creature that shouldn't even operate a ride-on toy truck, let alone a loaded 18-wheeler.

We all know the Humboldt tragedy, caused by a jeet. Another jeet killed two kids on the 401 because he was on his phone.

Why is the Canadian trucking industry dominated by pajeets?

*Most trucks with QC plates are still driven by White Quebecers. Guess jeets can't crack the frog language.
Upvote 8

Lots of insight in the above. It doesnt fully answer your question but it is part of the issue
Further question, why are almost all (lower mainland BC) small businesses non-white owned? Where are the white people? NOT in the elementary schools, not in the high schools, oh that's right, we were replaced. But no-one noticed.
Here in northern Alberta I'd reckon one out of three are Punjab. They usually dominate the inter city truck routes, not so much the oil sites, fluid sand etc. Haven't interacted with them but am always cautious. Who knows how long this guy has been driving, who taught him and so forth.
Peace river is now clearly getting its allotment of new canadians, i saw a bus unload at the grocery store last week I couldnt believe my eyes