Natives get as much money as our military, can self govern but still live in 3rd world conditions

When Europeans gave them horses they dragged sticks behind it to carry their goods, even when they could visually see how the wheel functioned they still went with sticks, called a travois.
My sides .. hahaha
They’re both wastes of resources
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It's an entire culture built on generation abuse. Sexual, physical and psychological abuse. It's a vicious cycle that most can't escape.

People that have never lived through it will never understand the impact is has on your life.

Ancestral memories are real, traditions are past down. Some traditions are dark, abusive and borderline demonic. Sometimes people have nothing to offer the world but darkness, unfortunately they have children.
That is the sad part and no amount of money from the white man can help or change that, the Indians have to do it themselves. Anyone can knock you down but only you can get yourself back up, I hope the Indians can do it someday.