I love many aspects of the Japanese culture… Here is a tradition they have if a child drops a valuable piece of pottery

Interesting in so many ways

Dont ever forget what they are capable of i.e WW2 and pre World War 2
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And don't forget the "Opening" of Japan in the 1850s, a backward, medieval culture forced into contact with 19th century European culture, but they didn't fall apart like many others would (American indians, I'm looking at you) but they adapted and mastered Western technology but always remained Japanese, something others complaining about "Western oppression" should look at.
There are definitely things that can be taken/applied from other cultures, while still maintaining your core identity.

My sister-in-law used to talk about the "Asian look".

What the hell is the "Asian look"? I asked.

She explained that her mother wouldn't yell, wouldn't hit. She would just give you this stern look that would let you know you are in the deep shit. It was enough.

I laughed out loud when she explained this. My siblings and I would have begged for the "Asian Look". We lived with a monster.