Cloud Seeding Doesnt Need Planes???? How many of these exist?

They're just laughing at us. We already know that chemtrails are not just conspiracy, it's all for real and they don't just admit that it's true, they show us how they do it and tell us it's good for us. "Take your poison, you little maggot. It's good for you and you'll be happy and you'll own nothing because you don't need to."
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"It's totally safe, if x happens we won't seed"
They seed here every day of the week.

Beautiful sunny day... You better believe they are seeding. Gotta block that sun, can't have healthy crop yields.

Our local crops got absolutely devastated this year. 30% was produced this year, compared to previous seasons. BC Tree Fruits CO-OP shut down operations because of it.

Almost no snowfall last winter across all of the Prairies.

I mean... It's just all a coincidence.

Don't sit down one day at the beach and watch their flight patterns. You won't notice anything strange. You definitely won't notice them following the sun as it crosses the sky. Making the same maneuvers over and over again. Drawing large X's in the sky. You definitely won't notice the yellowish/grey haze that's always on the horizon.

Definitely don't talk about what you didn't notice. People will think you are nuts. Hahaha.
There are apparently two or three stationary weather mod stations in Newfoundland, one on the west coast, and one or two on the east coast.

The older locals in Port Aux Basques (west coast of Newfoundland, and one of our two ferry ports), which was hit with a bad storm system a year or two back, said it wasn't natural for the area. For whatever that's worth.
Danielle Smith is more over the target then we all know. This explains the MSM freak out.

I wonder if she will get involved in this the more it develops in Alberta.

Also making the members of the UCP in Alberta more aware of this technology might help begin the process of understanding its use and its misuse.

That storm in Jasper that burned the place to the ground was supposedly a perfect storm. What are the odds?


