A private fire fighting crew with over 50 trucks and 20 fire fighters was turned around by Parks Canada while the fire raged


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We drove through Jasper a few weeks ago. It looked post apocalyptic, completely leveled on one side of the town. The other side looked like nothing ever happened. Totally surreal.

I grabbed a few images from CBC. This one captures the vibe pretty well.

There was this old stone church, it was completely gone, only a few pillars left.
Government's biggest fear of citizens helping with disaster recovery, is us realizing we don't need them.

It's an abusive relationship. Munchhausen syndrome. Commanding us to be helpless so we depend on them entirely. The relationship between polity and government has become psychopathic.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=116&v=GGlx7V2T3EA&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Ftnc.news%2F

the Feds wanted the fire to burn Jasper down. The feds are criminals

"50 trucks and 20 fire fighters"

How does that ratio work? Each man driving 2.5 trucks?