Stephen Harper in 2015 debate: "Justin Trudeau will open the borders up and let in hundreds of thousands of people without security checks"

This was true.

Harper wasn’t dumb. He just didn’t know when to give up the reigns and pick a successor. He really screwed the country by refusing to leave gracefully.
Well he did nothing wrong so why the hell should he have left? Harper did a good job let's face cdns were just fucking retarded.
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I am not going to put Harper on a pedestal. Of course he looks like Marcus Aurelius when compared to Trudeau, but that in itself does not make him worthy of distinction.

Post-Harper Conservatives decided to toss aside what remained of their platform and now only seek to pander to whoever will give them the votes to form government.

This is a new generation of government that does not make their own decisions, rather they get their marching orders from the elite. Even the Liberals were anti-war twenty years ago, who in the House of Commons has the stones to demand the Russian/Ukraine war be ended?
Pretending that Harper's Conservatives did nothing wrong isn't constructive. It's historical revisionism.

They were plagued with corruption, like every Canadian Government administration before them. Sponsorship Scandal(Pales in comparison to modern Liberal Party scandals), Senate Scandal. Mps were buying homes and boats on the tax payer dime and not declaring them.

Harper was/is a UN/WEF stooge. He wasted millions of dollars chasing the same UN Security Council seat Trudeau has been chasing. Signed Canada onto Agenda 2030. Setting the course for where we are today.

Harper appointed friends and family to cabinet/senate positions. He also appointed TWO rapists to the Senate. Don Meredith and Patrick Brazeau.

The Harper Government pissed off the largest voting block in Canada, the baby boomers. Raising the retirement age to 73 was a huge mistake.

We traded one UN/WEF puppet for another. Blue/Red, Con/Lib, two sides to the same coin. Pretending otherwise is laughable.
The carbon cabal stuff is completely unacceptable particularly with what we know now
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Yeah man, they hit you over the head with these globalist talking points non-stop. They try to frame it as compassion, so you feel like you are on the wrong side if you oppose it. After All, you want to be one of the good guys.

Then you go home and the TV is pushing it HARD. Sitting there as a kid watching Captain Planet and the Planeteers.MV5BMzQxODk4YWEtOTNhYS00YzZlLWE0ZDktNDk3MzE4ODI4MzIyXkEyXkFqcGc@._V1_-2880873138.jpg(Where the Diversity Squad hangs out with a blue pedophile sporting a green mullet.)

Recycling and abortion really got me. Then you grow up and realize it's all bullshit.

Recycling is a MASSIVE scam. Only 5% of what you recycle actually gets recycled. The rest is incinerated, shipped to Asia(they incinerate it) or goes to the landfill. I still have difficulty wrapping my head around this. A lifetime of Propaganda.

Global Warming/Climate Change is a total fraud. All based on lies and bunk "science". All United Nations bullshit.
They even claim "We own the Science".

Abortion isn't healthcare, it's murder. Plain and simple. It should only be practiced in rare cases, not celebrated. There's a reason It's a main campaign talking point in every election. It's all part of the depopulation agenda. Gotta keep those birth rates down.