Censorship In the Information War. Independent Media is being absolutely DESTROYED.


FREEDOM IS A CHOICE, choose wisely.
The Establishment is punishing any and all dissenters in the media.

In Clownada the media now requires a Government issued press license. The CRTC are the Ministry Of Truth.

True North is no longer recognized as media in Canada. Denied a Government issued press license.

Rebel News is no longer recognized as media in Canada.
Denied a Government issued press license.
I've been having difficulty verifying this thanks to the Propaganda, Canada Redirect Iron Curtain. I know they were initially denied a license, did they end up getting one?

Amarjeet Sohi(Former Liberal MP, Current Edmonton Mayor). Is currently suing 3 Independent Journalists. Mocha Bezirgan, Varinder Bhullar and Bob Rai.

Podcasts and Streamers are required to register with the CRTC. This is also a hard one to pin down Conflicting information on this.

Jeremy MacKenzie was attacked on the Federal and Provincial level. Jailed under bogus charges.

Faith Goldy was fired, de-platformed and labelled a White supremacist and Antisemite by Rebel Media.

In the USA. All of the loudest independent voices are being silenced before the 2024 Federal Election.

Infowars and Alex Jones are by far the loudest independent media in the USA.
Infowars is up for auction on Nov 18th.
Alex Jones is having to fight in court to try to keep his name and likeness on Oct 18th.
In 2023 Alex Jones was found liable in two Civil Courts for denying Sandy Hook. The Judgment was $1.5 Billion in damages. Even though it was protected under the 1st Amendment. He has since filed for bankruptcy.

Owen Shroyer was put in prison for bogus Jan 6 trespassing.

Steve Bannon is in prison.

Tucker Carlson was fired and de-platformed. Elon Musk/X propped him up.

Candace Owens was fired and de-platformed. Jewish organizations are constantly going after her now.

The Gateway Pundit is being decimated. They were covering the 2020 election fraud in real time. They documented everything.

The Gateway Pundit was forced to settle with 2 election fraudsters after their Bankruptcy filing was denied.

Ruby Freeman and her daughter.
They were caught on camera committing election fraud in the 2020 election. Yet they are now the beneficiaries of generational wealth. They testified in the Jan 6 sham committee.
A jury in Washington, D.C., awarded the two women more than $148 million in a defamation suit they had filed against former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for telling the same lies about them that they accused the Gateway Pundit of spreading
The pair of them are now worth Hundreds of Millions for participating in FRAUD.

The Establishment rewards and protects those who play along.

Here are other examples:

Christia Freeland made a deal with George Soros before she was an MP. She's been fast tracked all the way to Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister at the same time. Which is unprecedented. Also on the Board of Trustees for the WEF. Despite the fact that she is clearly RETARDED.

Paula Simons, the Edmonton Journal columnist who wrote a puff piece to repair the reputation of a known Terrorist, Amarjeet Sohi(Former Liberal MP, Current Edmonton Mayor). She was gifted a LIFE LONG SENATE POSITION by JUSTIN TRUDEAU himself.

The Center and Right need to learn to stand up for their own more.

This was off the top of my head. I've verified what I can. I know I am missing many examples of independent press under attack and being destroyed.

Post them if you got them.

Feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong. Flame away.
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Your bang on.

Look at how they even target lawyers like Brendan Miller. Its not just media its anything and everyone the deem Hitler.

Where are the conservative talk shows in Canada and conservative media? Doesnt it concern anyone that there are very few or none at all depending what province you are in. Where are the politicos standing up for freespeech?

The fact that we are winning at all aganst the propaganda machine is amazing

You are right. Where is the Conservative media in Canada? It doesn't exist.

True North Centre is as close as it gets. They hardly rock the boat, they are definitely Center. It's hilarious when they are labelled "Far-Right". They aren't even close.

Better yet, Where are the Anti-War, Pro Peace Journalists and activists?

It's like they don't exist. Everyone has been convinced to join a side in the constant wars. Even Conservatives support one side or the other.
Someone should get a printshop and produce a physical "far right" newsletter or rag.
The labels are what makes people hide. There are soo many labels. Far Right, Right Wing, Anti-Semite, Islamiphobe, Transphobe, Xenophobe, RACIST, Misogynist, Conspiracy Theorist, Nazi, Science Denier, Election Denier, Aids Denier, Climate Denier, etc. It's endless. It's designed to discredit, shame and divide.

They are so afraid to be labeled. It makes it so no one will ever organize. One media or social media smear campaign and everyone runs and hides.

Point at someone in a crowded room and yell "RACIST". You will hear a pin drop. Labels work, that's why they use them against us.

Stop being afraid to speak your mind. When you stand your ground and speak up, your life will get harder. Don't let that stop you.

View: https://youtu.be/JUJDk_BnZ-s

Right, Left, Center. It's all division. If we stop dividing and stand together, we will discover our strength.
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@wh!te_b0y. I did this recently with you, sorry man. I was dealing with some shit and lashed out. My bad.

We might not always get along or even agree on somethings. In the end it doesn't matter. We are all part of the same team.
"Far Right, Right Wing, Anti-Semite, Islamiphobe, Transphobe, Xenophobe, RACIST, Misogynist, Conspiracy Theorist, Nazi, Science Denier, Election Denier, Aids Denier, Climate Denier, etc"

I want a shirt with this on it.
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We all know the truth, its right before our eyes. Independent media is beneficial but not necessary.
As long as the truth comes out. There has to be a counter to the Propaganda narrative.

It's true that people rely too much on "Journalists" to relay information. Average everyday people need to find their voice and speak up. "It's not my job" is not a valid excuse.
I agree, there needs to be an outlet to stem the tide of propaganda, but honestly it seems like theater. Lots of independent journalists during “covid”. All of us on this forum are independent journalists since we do our own research and then share it with the audience.
I recently read ‘Leviathan and it’s Enemies,’ by Sam Francis. It provides the most in-depth analysis of the structure of the West I’ve encountered. Government, economy, and culture (including media), are now all parts of this colossal managerial regime. It rewards those of ‘Class 1’ personality traits (foxes - value cunning, manipulation, efficiency) and punishes or ostracizes ‘Class 2’ tendencies (lions - valuing tradition, truth, force when necessary). Its ideology is hedonism, cosmopolitanism, and meliorism (belief in progress); it devours tradition. Truth does not matter to the regime or to the masses who are rewarded for merging into its structure by swallowing regime ideology and demonstrating they have the skills to keep the mass managerial regime going (e.g., corrupt media and journalists). Most people will not wake up. The rest are excluded from power and therefore cannot change it. Sadly, it seems all we can do is wait for collapse while building up a counter-elite to take the reins when it does.
Its shitty but its predictable.

After the US election next month it will go one of two ways:

1) The democrat deep state will rig the election and Kamala will be placed in as the new fake president. It will be an even more obvious rigged election then 2020 because they NEED Trump supporters to take to the streets in protest and they will use their people to accelerate it into violence like they did with Jan 6th. They are still telling people Jan 6th was the worst terrorist attack in US history for a reason. This will lead to mass intimidation and oppression and all available means to comb over all electronic records of Americans to find out who the Patriots are and put them in jail, or force them into a situation where the cops will kill them.

2) They will let Trump win and activate the invader migrant gangs as well as BLM, antifa and all the rest of the deep state sponsored groups. Attacks on Americans and infrastructure, as well as mass chaos and disorder will ensue. Trump will probably be overwhelmed unless he can rally the people and mount an offensive, but he is a business man not a military leader. He needs really good solid Americans who are not corruptible.

In both of these instances they need to control 100% off the narrative. They need people with cameras who are documenting whatever is going on to know they will be arrested and punished. Think how police in the UK act when people criticize government policy--showing up to their doors and arresting them in their homes. It will be like that but on a mass scale, and any paths where the truth gets out will be blocked.

Even people like Elon musk will have X hacked by the government and taken offline if he allows free speech on the platform. One of the lessons they learned from COVID is that if people can spread the truth, it gives people a glimmer of hope for the future when the powers that be want everyone broken and compliant from the psychological torture. If you can hear other people spreading the truth you know you are not crazy, you are not the only one, and others are not afraid to stand up for what is right. The truth becomes a very inspirational & powerful tool.

I think this is a reason they may kick Justin Trudeau out finally. He let the Freedom Trucker Convoy happen and continue for weeks and made every wrong move looking as corrupt as possible, freezing bank accounts, mass intimidation of citizens, and running down the peaceful protestors with horses. Because it went on for long the whole world saw what happens if the population gets fed up and says we are not going to comply. This led to other protest in Europe using similar tactics like blocking government offices with trucks or farm equipment. This really pissed the globalists off cause they depended on Trudeau to "handle it" but he couldn't.

Canadians showed the world that if the Canadians are fighting back why the hell aren't the oppressed population from every Western nation fighting back?