Liberal MPs (apparently over 30 now) sign letter demanding Justin Trudeau RESIGN!

Sure, the eunuchs are going to overthrow the emperor.
Enuchs lack a certain something but they too try to protect their rice bowl! Might be nothing! I hear your skepticism... I too find the clown show exhausting but sceptics called Gandhi's salt protest silly too until well it was beyond huge!! People power is hard to unleash but once it takes root it is always ultimate power!!
I know it is selfish, but I personally would like to see Trudeau get humiliated in the debates, lose his own riding, and the LPC lose party status on his watch.

Do the pose Justin! It worked last time to get you the job.

How did normies not clue in on day one the fellow was a idiot
The libs under Iggy were knocked down to 34 seats in 2011 and yet very next election libs won a majority under Trudumb.... They will get wiped out next year and maybe win fewer seats than Iggy in 2011 but they will be back in an election or two afterwards. Being badly defeated in Canada if you are the libs or cons does not mean the party is over as they end up coming back...