Can your province do this?

Something to do with Quebec never signing on to Confederation, right?
It's in the Constitution son.

"Agriculture and Immigration.
Concurrent Powers of Legislation respecting Agriculture, &c.
95. In each Province the Legislature may make Laws in relation to Agriculture in the Province, and to Immigration into the Province; and it is hereby declared that the Parliament of Canada may from Time to Time make Laws in relation to Agriculture in all or any of the Provinces, and to Immigration into all or any of the Provinces; and any Law of the Legislature of a Province relative to Agriculture or to Immigration shall have effect in and for the Province as long and as far only as it is not repugnant to any Act of the Parliament of Canada."

So every province has some power over immigration, but only Quebec has the actual power to use it,
Can it? No. Could it? Certainly, if only people quit thinking some childless former propagandist who thinks chicks can have dicks and just puts off a net zero agenda a couple decades is something approximating bAsEd...

It really wouldn't be hard to just tell the feds to pound sand and fuck off, then carry on and do our own shit and they would, because they're pussies... Just say "we're operating like a state (with different gun laws, a death penalty, etc...) and if you don't like it, bring out rainbow brigade to settle it." It would take fuck all but backing and supporting someone with balls instead worrying about the deranged opposition's feelings and maybe getting called a name.

Compromise to a degree is inevitable, compromising with clownery is something else all together. Our elected officials and candidates of such positions will bend to clownery as long as the people forgive them for it, sadly most will plainly outright disregard it, especially if there is a catch phrase or slogan.
They can but other provincial leaders would view it as racist and not just NDP provinces but cheese cake in Ontario, Danielle flip flop in Alberta and even Sask... So many jeets now they are getting to be a big block.

We need politicians with balls instead of cucks...
We need politicians with balls

You're more likely to find the Ark of the Covenant than one of those.
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@Nink are u sure its a replica?

Imagine the leg muscle you would have developed back in the day carrying that thing all the time and for those long distances. Leg day was everyday back then.
@d01tg0d0wn: Just don't put your hand out to steady the Ark when it starts rocking back and forth... Yahweh don't like that:

"6 And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it.
7 And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God."

Seems like the oxen should have been smitten too, but I'm not a theologian.