As you grow older, as your friends and family pass away or move, 3rd world backwater grudges will stain the sidewalk with blood and feces.

I figured this was a thread about life. Not more Sikh nonsense.

This is why you need to get in shape, and learn to defend yourself. So you aren't the guy getting the belt from Gurdeep.
Is there any search engine that makes it past the Iron Curtain?

I'm using DuckDuckGo. It's been shit for a while. All I get is Canada Redirect boosted results. It's just an endless loop of the same results. You can scroll down endlessly and the same sources loop back around.
You mean like a Russian search engine? Yandex i think its called.
Use Brave Search. Yandex is censored also.
Duckduckgo uses mostly Bing results, which explains why it sucks.

If knives come out get ready to be slashed and stabbed.

Give someone a marker. Have them attack you as if it's a knife. Defend yourself. Look at all the marks on you and your clothing.

Best to keep the cardio up. Sprints are better than jogging. Hill sprints are where it's at.