Gov says they cant manipulate the weather cause of recent events in USA but needs tax money to change/manipulate the weather!

I bring it up with people I know at the risk of looking like a loon..

Hint: in their eyes I look like a loon
the MSM says government cant control or manipulate weather. Its on every major news network right now but then we pay carbon tax to get the government to help manipulate / control the weather. In Alberta our premier is even talking about chemtrails and weather manipulation and the msm are making her out to be a looney / conspiracy theorist. Is this all to wake normies to the fact weather manipulation is real?

Makes no sense to deny then take money because you promise to manipulate the weather enough to stop climate change
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My understanding is the msm has/is and will continue to deny weather modification because it's insanely expensive to keep doing it and the only card they have to play is to manipulate weather in such a way to reinforce the doom mongering of climate catastrophes to scare normies into continuing to pay for it.

Basically the equivalent of gangsters convincing people to pay for protection and then burning down their businesses and saying: 'see? Think about how much worse it could have been if you didn't have our protection'
Biden has issued an official statement saying it's crazy talk.


CNN has lost their damn mind over this.


The MSM was fully embracing cloud seeding and geoengineering. Selling as a way to stop the evil Climate Change.

Now they have reversed course, calling it conspiracy theory. We can expect full denial and people being called all kinds of childish names.
If CNN and Biden are publicly stating this then ppl mist be waking up and asking questions.

In Alberta during provincial election season the powers that be attempt to burn down entire communities in rural voting districts to displace voters i.e last election. In the USA it appears they are using extreme weather events and fires. Insane

Ppl are waking up to this fact however and they will deny all they want but soon the facts will be undeniable
In 2009 there was a category 5 hurricane simulation called Project Phoenix. It was directed at Tampa Bay Florida.



Interesting that these "elites" just happen to have a detailed simulation for every catastrophic event 10+ years before it happens. I'm sure It's just coincidental as always. Carry on.

They can either predict the future, or... They're causing it.