Some thoughts and things


Hard No.
Alberta Freedom Fighter
Hey guys,

I would like to make a request of some of our members here. When we started this place, it was thriving with top tier, intellectual, engaging discussion. It still has that - but I feel it is slowly losing its charm. We are becoming echo chambery - and this was not our original intention with this place. Our main goal here is is freedom of speech. A place to discuss those topics otherwise taboo or too real for society in "normie" spaces to discuss. In order to have these discussions, opposing views are necessary. Dissenting opinions are necessary. For truly engaging discussion there needs to be some discord if that makes sense.

We tend to have a very confrontational attitude with newer members, (this has actually served us well as a defence mechanism against retards tbh but hear me out) and I feel this is driving a lot of good discussions away. I would never infringe on anyone's GOD GIVEN right to express themselves, but consider this me asking a small favour of the membership here. Let's be welcoming to new members. Are they feds? Yes. Probably. I dunno. I'm way beyond caring at this point so I think you all should just relax a bit. We don't have to hammer every square peg into a round hole. There are only a few strands we need to hold us together IMO - healthy distrust of govt and media, and love for freedom of speech. These are core FCW values IMO, and the only things we really need to have in common.

Be good to each other frens.
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Ah shit! The feds finally got to JP.
send money
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@Nink I just wanna get some new blood in. While I normally appreciate the FCW attack dogs it looks like word is going around about this place again so I am expecting more new people. We need a nice little growth spurt to get things chugging again. These fuckers are coming from normie reddit spaces and shit too so we gotta mind fuck em slowly.
Look, we're not just attacking new members indiscriminately, but only those who have arrived to tell us why we're all "a bunch of ineffectual pussies who would never dare attack government officials hint hint". I've never noticed any hostility expressed to a new member who showed up here and immediately assimilated to the general atmosphere prevailing on the forum
I am totally not opposed to that, like I said normally I appreciate how swiftly that kind of shit is dealt with. Honestly this board runs itself. I am just asking everyone to keep it in mind, I would like to see membership grow. Think about it, it's huge culture shock. These fags are coming from reddit into the wolves den. We have to play nice at first right?
If the “new” accounts weren’t such disingenuous faggots then it would be less of an issue. The discourse has become redundant. Jews this, pajeets that. I think we’re all aware of those hot takes so having 50% of the posts derailed with it doesn’t motivate one to engage regularly and definitely won’t grow the user base beyond more of the same.

There’s a Canadian team in the Stanley Cup final.

=“Reee, sPorTsBaLl cuck faggot !”

There’s a massive pile of corruption exposed every day in parliamentary committees

= “Reeee, smol PP is a globalist cuck faggot Jew lover”

Pajeets eat poop.


It’s pretty fucking pathetic.
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There's a vast difference between discourse you don't like (so what if you feel that its tone is too vulgar? What does that matter?) and that which is deliberately orchestrated by bad-faith actors looking to subvert the forum in order to portray the various issues discussed here as "too extremist".
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The tone and merit of the posts isn’t the issue and vulgarity is the furthest thing from my mind. It’s simply the redundancy. When you consider a post and you already know who will say what, it becomes pointless to post certain things, so I don’t and I’m quite certain I’m not the only one.

It is what it is and my diminished level of input here reflects that.
@Rororo Off the top of my head I’d go with the committee hearings. I get it, nothing ever happens and it’s all uniparty kabuki. End of discussion. I’m not too interested in arguing the merit of peoples beliefs, however dismissive. Id view it more as leaning away from the vicious circle. I get into enough arguments with “profiles” I generally respect.
I just have to say, I used to love hockey. The NHL 'product' (its not a sport anymore) is just garbage. I hear they do land acknowledgments before each game. Barf.
I actually was driven to this forum because I got banned from Reddit again and again with different accounts and I tried Omega Canada on WIN and got banned from there also for supporting the People's Party of Canada. This is the only place where I feel welcome and even when I was a new member I was so happy to receive much friendlier reaction to all of my comments and posts than I was used to.If we are becoming echo chambery I think it's because we have been banished from other places because of the opinions that we hold.
I like the new accounts that come on here to remind us not to be violent or to use violent rhetoric thus painting the whole community with a giant brush that we are violent insurrectionists or something. When asked to produce proof they cant.

Some of these new accounts are up to shit and i think its got a few of us wondering whats going on
Well, opposition to immigration is going on, so normie spaces are banning people at crazy rates. Our site is getting tossed around as an alternative in a few places.

I'm not sure about the violent angle, mods know advocating for violence and porn are basically the only two things we will take any actions on, and I havent banned or deleted anything in like 2 years.
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See new users you dont have to worry that we are violent or use violent rhetoric cause none of us would be here if so
@d01tg0d0wn It beggars belief that this needs to be said. The odds of me driving 5000 kms to join in an online organized insurrection are less than zero. My wife can barely get me to drive an hour into the nearest town to grocery shop. My duty is to my home and my family and that will never change.
Hey I'm always happy to see new blood, it makes the forum better and makes us better, steel sharpens steel, argument sharpens argument, so I welcome new members, but I will not be afraid to call them on bullshit, that's the way we work. Maybe we should give a warning to new members, "Here we believe in full contact free speech, don't take it personally, you're welcome if you're not a total dick, although we have some of them too."
Some of you have your fed detector set too high. If they are obviously lefty agitators bite em in the ass but give them a chance to redeem saars. We may have people coming in from the shitstorm in a panic and not realizing how they sound. If there is a hint they can be reasonable and not be fedposty right off the hop then give em a chance. We're supposed to be a place where people can find some sanity in an insane world are we not? If someone posts something retardedly illegal all you have to do is report, disagree or ignore. You are not going to get in shit because some Discord trannies showed up to smear us as long as you use your head. Not everyone got the telegraph that this place exists until now and it would be a shame to lose good people to the forum because half the posters want to tear someone's face off as default.
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No issue with this.

But so many new members start off making posts with such edgelord glowy claptrap that it stinks to high heaven.

When you’re new, have a little humility. Introduce yourself. Make some nice comments and do some upvoting. Don’t storm in like some boomer.
As a fed, this was always our goal. Echo chambers aren't dangerous. Our real fear is you guys getting your message out to other people.

Realistically, this type of community is going to have a hard time gaining new members simply because your average moderate/NPC who sees the front page will have a classical conditioned response to feel uncomfortable and exit the page. Free speech is scary to a lot of people because things people say aren't all unicorn farts and rainbows, which is what the average person expects to hear both in real life and on the internet.

Lastly, remember, never use violence. If you kill your enemies, they win!
Nobody here believes that violent resistance to oppression is immoral, only that talking about it on an open forum is fucking stupid. Anyone who wants to act out their "Hunger Games" fantasy should only be doing it in meatspace with people they trust
Well, I hope my posts are OK... 'cause I ain't changin'. I document as much of ClownWorld as possible, as it happens.
Some days ClownWorld goes into overdrive and I have to go on a posting frenzy (hate those days; hate ClownWorld in general; wish the world didn't require posts)
I know I don't engage in discussions much, but I'll continue documenting pajeets and politicians, trannys and groomers, joggers and jews... whatever. (I've even learned to drop the rare shitpost periodically.)
Anyways, love this place. I can't say it enough. Feel free to kick me out anytime.
I like your posts and i dont think you should change a thing
We shouldn’t turn our fed radars off. If you remember “muh 4K camera” guy, we do get l actual feds from time to time. I would chalk up most glow posts to agitators or Evan Baglords minions.
never turn off your radar in fact dial it up cause we also get ppl who use chatgpt to argue us all but we are to shizo for chatgpt and it fails

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Agreed, be nice to noobs. Waking up to how the world really works is a rough journey. Not everyone is in the same place along that journey.

I think more feds should read this site. Their souls are in the most danger. If not a rare meme, perhaps a scripture or passionate plea from a neighbor, will imprint on their soul and make them introspect on whether their pool is worth being muscle for the most corrupt crop of politicians in recorded history.

As for the echo chamber - it is healthy to vent once in a while and I do admit to using this place as an echo chamber.

It's one place I can call for [presses button on soundboard] impartial tribunals of officials for Treason and Crimes against Humanity, not forgetting media executives, with the authority to issue death sentences where appropriate.
@Thinker At first I agreed with that completely. Several years on, what case would they be building ? They certainly aren’t imposing any influence to do anything stupid. I’ve been of the opinion for awhile that we’re more likely to have some Rachel Gilmore type try to gin up a “story” than a federal agency trying to subvert or a dead end sting op. Nothing would surprise me however, given the desperation of the left to finally get their white supremes.
@Mosby Indeed. I don’t handle the tech here, so I don’t know, nor am I particularly concerned. Maybe I’m ignorant, maybe I’m already on a list, maybe I’m a fed. If I were someone with your level of knowledge and concern on the subject, I’d probably look into forming my own community to my preferences. That’s not to say your aren’t welcome here, but you do seem to cry a lot.

What I mean they will be funding "non-profits" that will "study" this forum. They will take out of context quote to justify a criminal charge against someone of this place. Specially if some sort of unified action spring out this forum as a origin point.
@Thinker If people talk about “taking action”, then they proceed to “take action”, thats a matter of personal accountability. All I know is I’m on the record calling out stupid shit and have at least consulted on corrective measures such as banning or removing posts. I’m not exactly sure what more is expected of us. This is the forum we’ve supplied for people. I don’t see the need for more extreme safeguards because 99.9% of members have nothing to hide and if the government wants to spy, they’ll find a way regardless.
@Mosby I’m honestly not sure what your end game is. If you think a couple of rubes running a forum can circumvent government surveillance on a Xenforo platform, you’re probably high. If you think we’re going to give in to “could be’s” and get heavy handed over it, you’re probably high. If you think we’re going to shut it down and rebuild someplace where you and you alone feel more comfortable, pass that shit.