Discussion Pepe Reactions


Deleted member 9

Hey everyone,

We've been slowly adding a bunch of Pepe reactions (among a few non-Pepe reactions).

We were considering doing a rotation of them, so that we don't have too many to chose from at a time.

The main concern is that on mobile, when you pull up the reactions, if there are too many you might not be able to select some of them.

What is everyone's thoughts on this?

And if we rotate, are there any in particular you don't care to see go for a while (such as Spartan, Cool, one or more of the Clowns, punching, etc.)?
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Thanks to @The Conservationist for aquiring some custom reacts - Sheep, Max, Odroole, Puke, Clown Country, all are FCW original pepes custom made for us! Also @MaximumBernier made the original WTF beaver! Some don't know this either but our original freecanada logo and lettering was done by @Shit_Sandwhich77, so thanks to him as well!

Enjoy em guys!
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Bring on the Pepe's and Frens !

RO-Tate! RO-Tate! RO-Tate!

I'm fine with either or.

I've just been dying to insert my Pepe-Tiki-Torch In somewhere, haha!